
[ʹsæt(ı)lɔıd] n
1. астр. сателлоид
2. спутник, удерживаемый на орбите двигателями малой тяги

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "satelloid" в других словарях:

  • satelloid — /sat l oyd /, n. Aerospace. a low altitude satellite using engines with small thrust to maintain its orbit. [1950 55; SATELL(ITE) + OID] * * * …   Universalium

  • satelloid — noun An artificial satellite that needs continuous thrust to maintain altitude …   Wiktionary

  • satelloid — /sat l oyd /, n. Aerospace. a low altitude satellite using engines with small thrust to maintain its orbit. [1950 55; SATELL(ITE) + OID] …   Useful english dictionary

  • sat|el|loid — «SAT uh loyd», noun. 1. a space vehicle that travels at less than the speed required for it to remain long in orbit: »The glider is now a satelloid…travelling 1,000 mph less than the velocity needed to make it an orbiting space fixture (Newsweek) …   Useful english dictionary

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