- sandalwood
- [ʹsændlwʋd] n
1) бот. сандаловое дерево, сандал (Santalum gen.)2) древесина сандалового дерева
sandalwood oil - сандаловое масло
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sandalwood oil - сандаловое масло
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sandalwood — San dal*wood, n. [F. sandal, santal, fr. Ar. [,c]andal, or Gr. sa ntalon; both ultimately fr. Skr. candana. Cf. {Sanders}.] (Bot.) (a) The highly perfumed yellowish heartwood of an East Indian and Polynesian tree ({Santalum album}), and of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sandalwood — [san′dəlwood΄] n. [sandal, sandalwood < ME sandell < MFr sandal < ML sandalum < LGr santalon < Ar ṣandal, ult. < Sans candana < IE base * kand , to gleam, bright > L candere, to shine] 1. a) the hard, light colored,… … English World dictionary
Sandalwood — (litt. « bois de santal » en anglais) est l appellation populaire du cinéma indien issu de l Etat du Karnataka (situé en Inde du sud). Ce terme reprend le modèle linguistique de Bollywood, mais désigne ici le cinéma en langue kannada,… … Wikipédia en Français
sandalwood — 1510s, earlier sandell (c.1400), saundres (early 14c.), from O.Fr. sandale, from M.L. sandalum, from Late Gk. santalon, ultimately from Skt. candana m the sandalwood tree, perhaps lit. wood for burning incense, related to candrah shining, glowing … Etymology dictionary
Sandalwood — (spr. Sandelwud), Insel im Fidschi Archipel, so v.w. Vanualevu … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sandalwood — ► NOUN ▪ the fragrant wood of an Indian or SE Asian tree. ORIGIN sandal from Latin sandalum, from Sanskrit … English terms dictionary
Sandalwood — [san′dəl wood΄] former name for SUMBA … English World dictionary
Sandalwood — For other uses, see Sandalwood (disambiguation). Santalum paniculatum (ʻiliahi), Hawaiʻi Sandalwood is the name of a class of fragrant woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine grained, and unlike many other… … Wikipedia
sandalwood — /san dl wood /, n. 1. the fragrant heartwood of any of certain Asian trees of the genus Santalum, used for ornamental carving and burned as incense. 2. any of these trees, esp. S. album (white sandalwood), an evergreen of India, having ovate… … Universalium
sandalwood — noun Etymology: sandal sandalwood (from Middle English, from Anglo French sandali, from Medieval Latin sandalum, from Late Greek santalon, ultimately from Sanskrit candana, of Dravidian origin; akin to Tamil cāntu sandalwood tree) + 2wood Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sandalwood — baltasis santalas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Santalinių šeimos medieninis, prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Santalum album), paplitęs atogrąžų Azijoje ir Australijoje. Naudojamas maisto priedams (kvėpikliams) gaminti, iš jo gaunamas… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)