Samaritan — ► NOUN 1) a member of a people inhabiting Samaria, an ancient city and region of Palestine, in biblical times. 2) (good Samaritan) a charitable or helpful person. [ORIGIN: with biblical reference to the story of the Samaritan who helped a man in… … English terms dictionary
Samaritan — noun aid, aider, altruist, assister, befriender, benefactor, champion, defender, friend, good neighbor, help, helper, helping hand, kind person, ministering angel, ministrant, patron, philanthropist, protector, savior, succorer, sympathizer, well … Law dictionary
Samaritan — O.E., inhabitant of Samaria, a district of Palestine, from L.L. Samaritanus, from Gk. Samareia (see SAMARIA (Cf. Samaria)). Figurative use with reference to the good Samaritan is first recorded 1630s, from Luke x:33 … Etymology dictionary
Samaritan — [sə mer′ə tən, səmar′ə tən] n. [ME < OE < LL(Ec) Samaritanus < Gr Samareitēs < Samareia, Samaria < Aram shamerayin < Heb shomron] 1. a person born or living in Samaria 2. a person who comes to the aid of another: see GOOD… … English World dictionary
Samaritan — Sa*mar i*tan, a. [L. Samaritanus.] Of or pertaining to Samaria, in Palestine. n. A native or inhabitant of Samaria; also, the language of Samaria. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Samaritan — Not to be confused with Sarmatians. Samaritans redirects here. For the charity, see Samaritans (charity). For other uses, see Samaritan (disambiguation). Samaritans שומרונים Samaritans on the … Wikipedia
Samaritan — n. & adj. n. 1 (in full good Samaritan) a charitable or helpful person (with ref. to Luke 10:33 etc.). 2 a member of an organization which counsels people in distress by telephone or face to face. 3 a native of Samaria in West Jordan . 4 the… … Useful english dictionary
samaritán — a m (ȃ) knjiž. kdor iz usmiljenja, sočutja pomaga bolnemu, onemoglemu človeku: postal je samaritan vsega taborišča; samaritan in človekoljub / usmiljeni samaritan … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Samaritan — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin samaritanus, noun & adjective, from Greek samaritēs inhabitant of Samaria, from Samaria Date: before 12th century 1. a native or inhabitant of Samaria 2. [from the parable of the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Samaritan — Samaritanism, n. /seuh mar i tn/, n. 1. an inhabitant of Samaria. 2. See good Samaritan. 3. (often l.c.) one who is compassionate and helpful to a person in distress. 4. any of the dialects of Aramaic spoken by the Samaritans in ancient Israel… … Universalium
Samaritan — n. a good Samaritan ( a person who helps those in need ) * * * a good Samaritan ( a person who helps those in need ) … Combinatory dictionary