- salvatory
- 1. [ʹsælvət(ə)rı] n редк.
хранилище2. [ʹsælvət(ə)rı] a редк.спасительный, ведущий к спасению
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Salvatory — Sal va*to*ry, n. [LL. salvatorium, fr. salvare to save.] A place where things are preserved; a repository. [R.] Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
salvatory — … Useful english dictionary
biblical literature — Introduction four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha. The Old… … Universalium
Parasympathetic nervous system — The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is a division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), along with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and enteric nervous system (ENS or bowels NS ). The ANS is a subdivision of the peripheral nervous… … Wikipedia
Universal CityWalk — City Walk redirects here. For a paved outdoor pedestrian area in Civic, Canberra, see City Walk, Canberra. Universal CityWalk Universal CityWalk is the name given to the entertainment and retail districts located adjacent to the theme parks of… … Wikipedia
Superlitio — Datos generales Origen Cali, Colombia … Wikipedia Español
Кваша, Игорь Владимирович — Игорь Кваша Имя при рождении: Игорь Владимирович Кваша … Википедия
Бегство мистера Мак-Кинли (фильм) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Бегство мистера Мак Кинли. Бегство мистера Мак Кинли … Википедия
Lutheranism — See Lutheran. * * * Protestant movement founded on the principles of Martin Luther. Lutheranism arose at the start of the Reformation, after Luther posted his Ninety five Theses in Wittenberg. It spread through much of Germany and into… … Universalium
astrology — astrologer, astrologist, n. astrological /a streuh loj i keuhl/, astrologic, astrologous /euh strol euh geuhs/, adj. astrologically, adv. /euh strol euh jee/, n. 1. the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly… … Universalium
Saint — 1347 80, Italian ascetic and mystic. died A.D. 731, pope 715 731. died A.D. 741, pope 731 741. died A.D. 352, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 337 352. died A.D. 683, Sicilian ecclesiastic: pope 682 683. died A.D. 855, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 847… … Universalium