
[sælʹveıʃ(ə)n] n
1. 1) спасение

the salvation of his country was his only aim - все его помыслы были направлены на спасение родины

to seek salvation in smth. - искать спасения в чём-л.

2) рел. спасение души; вечное блаженство

to find /to attain, to obtain/ salvation - спастись, спасти свою душу

2. (the salvation) спаситель; средство спасения

you have been the salvation of me - я вам обязан своим спасением

he was the salvation of his country - он был спасителем своей страны, он спас свою родину

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "salvation" в других словарях:

  • Salvation — • Salvation has in Scriptural language the general meaning of liberation from straitened circumstances or from other evils, and of a translation into a state of freedom and security Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Salvation      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Salvation — Sal*va tion, n. [OE. salvacioun, sauvacion, F. salvation, fr. L. salvatio, fr. salvare to save. See {Save}.] 1. The act of saving; preservation or deliverance from destruction, danger, or great calamity. [1913 Webster] 2. (Theol.) The redemption… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Salvation — (англ.; рус. Спасение): «Salvation»  сингл калифорнийской панк рок группы Rancid из альбома Let’s Go (1995). «Salvation»  сингл ирландской рок группы The Cranberries из альбома To the Faithful Departed (1996) «Salvation»  сингл… …   Википедия

  • salvation — ⇒SALVATION, subst. fém. A. Rare. Action d être sauvé, d échapper à l oubli, la ruine, la mort. La dernière fois que je la vis [une peinture d Ingres] (...) elle était devenue presque invisible et sans espoir de salvation (TOULET, Corresp. avec un …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • salvation — early 13c., originally in the Christian sense, from O.Fr. salvaciun, from L.L. salvationem (nom. salvatio, a Church Latin translation of Gk. soteria), noun of action from salvare to save (see SAVE (Cf. save)). In general (non religious) sense,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • salvation — ► NOUN 1) Theology deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ. 2) preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss. 3) (one s salvation) a source or means of being saved in this… …   English terms dictionary

  • salvation — [sal vā′shən] n. [ME salvacioun < OFr salvation < LL(Ec) salvatio < L salvatus, pp. of salvare, to SAVE1] 1. a saving or being saved from danger, evil, difficulty, destruction, etc.; rescue 2. a person or thing that is a means, cause, or …   English World dictionary

  • Salvation — (v. lat.), 1) Rettung; 2) Vertheidigung, Verwahrung; daher Salvationsschrift, so v.w. Deductionsschrift, s.u. Deduction 6) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Salvation — Salvatiōn (lat.), Rettung, Verwahrung; Salvationsschrift, Verteidigungsschrift …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • salvation — index discharge (liberation), emancipation, mainstay, preservation, protection, redemption, rehabilitation …   Law dictionary

  • salvation — [n] rescue, saving conservancy, conservation, deliverance, emancipation, escape, exemption, extrication, keeping, liberation, lifeline, pardon, preserval, preservation, redemption, release, reprieve, restoration, safekeeping, sustentation;… …   New thesaurus

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