- salutatorian
- [sə͵lu:təʹtɔ:rıən] n амер.
выпускник колледжа, выступающий с приветственной речью в начале учебного года
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Salutatorian — Sa*lu ta*to ri*an, n. The student who pronounces the salutatory oration at the annual Commencement or like exercises of a college, an honor commonly assigned to that member of the graduating class who ranks second in scholarship. [U.S.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
salutatorian — 1847, from adjective salutatory (1660s), of the nature of a salutation, in the specific sense designating the welcoming address given at a college commencement (1702, the address usually in Latin), from L. salutatorius pertaining to visiting or… … Etymology dictionary
salutatorian — ☆ salutatorian [sə lo͞ot΄ə tôr′ē ən ] n. [< SALUTATORY + AN] in some schools and colleges, the student, usually second highest in scholastic rank in the graduating class, who gives the salutatory: see VALEDICTORIAN … English World dictionary
Salutatorian — In the United States and Canada, the title of salutatorian is given to the second highest graduate of the entire graduating class of an educational institution. This honor is traditionally based on grades and overall GPA, but consideration is… … Wikipedia
salutatorian — noun The person who graduates high school with the second highest GPA and is thus gives a salutatorian’s address during the graduation ceremony … Wiktionary
salutatorian — noun Date: circa 1847 the student usually having the second highest rank in a graduating class who delivers the salutatory address at the commencement exercises … New Collegiate Dictionary
salutatorian — /seuh looh teuh tawr ee euhn, tohr /, n. (in some U.S. schools and colleges) the student ranking second highest in the graduating class, who delivers the salutatory at commencement. [1840 50, Amer.; SALUTATORY + AN] * * * … Universalium
salutatorian — [səˌlju:tə tɔ:riən] noun N. Amer. the student in a graduating class who delivers the salutatory … English new terms dictionary
salutatorian — sa·lu·ta·to·ri·an … English syllables
salutatorian — sa•lu•ta•to•ri•an [[t]səˌlu təˈtɔr i ən, ˈtoʊr [/t]] n. edu a student, usu. ranking second highest academically in a graduating class … From formal English to slang
salutatorian — The second best student in a graduating class, whose job it is to give an introductory speech … Grandiloquent dictionary