salt away

salt away
[ʹsɔ:ltəʹweı] phr v
1. солить, засаливать
2. припрятывать, «мариновать», складывать в кубышку

he has money salted away for his retirement - у него припрятаны денежки к выходу на пенсию

millions of pounds are being salted away illegally by speculators - спекулянты незаконно замораживают миллионы фунтов

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Смотреть что такое "salt away" в других словарях:

  • salt away — [v] save, store up accumulate, amass, bank, cache, hide, hoard, invest, lay aside, lay away, put away, put by, put in the bank, save for rainy day*, set aside, spare, stash, stockpile; concept 330 Ant. spend, throw away, waste …   New thesaurus

  • salt away — (something) to save something, esp. money, for use at a later time. It s not easy paying a mortgage, raising a young child, and salting away enough money for your retirement …   New idioms dictionary

  • salt away — verb keep or lay aside for future use (Freq. 1) store grain for the winter The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn t eat • Syn: ↑store, ↑hive away, ↑lay in, ↑put in, ↑stack away, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • salt away — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms salt away : present tense I/you/we/they salt away he/she/it salts away present participle salting away past tense salted away past participle salted away to save money for the future, often hiding it illegally …   English dictionary

  • salt away something — salt away (something) to save something, esp. money, for use at a later time. It s not easy paying a mortgage, raising a young child, and salting away enough money for your retirement …   New idioms dictionary

  • salt away — Synonyms and related words: bank, bundle away, cache, coffer, deposit, file, hutch, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay down, lay in, lay in store, lay up, lodge, pack away, put away, put by, reposit, reservoir, salt down, spare, stash, store, store …   Moby Thesaurus

  • salt away — I informal, invest, bank, save. See economy. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. invest, put away, put in the bank, accumulate, save, set aside, hoard. III (Roget s Thesaurus II) I verb 1. To reserve for the future: keep, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay in …   English dictionary for students

  • salt away — informal Esther salted away most of her allowance Syn: save, put aside, put by, set aside, reserve, keep, store, stockpile, hoard, stow away; informal squirrel away, stash away …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • salt away — PHRASAL VERB If someone salts away sums of money, they save the money for the future, often illegally. [V P n (not pron)] Yesterday its president was accused of salting away tens of millions of dollars in foreign accounts. [Also V n P] …   English dictionary

  • salt away — verb To save or preserve for future use (as if food, preserved in salt) …   Wiktionary

  • salt away — {v.}, {informal} To save (money) for the future. * /Every week Joe salts away half of his pay./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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