- salience
- [ʹseılıəns] n
1. выступающая вперёд часть; выступ, выпуклость, клин2. книжн. характерная особенность, отличительная черта3. видное место; заметное положение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Salience — Sa li*ence, n. [See {Salient}.] 1. The quality or condition of being salient; a leaping; a springing forward; an assaulting. [1913 Webster] 2. The quality or state of projecting, or being projected; projection; protrusion. Sir W. Hamilton. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
salience — index emphasis, importance, interest (concern), materiality (consequence), significance Burton s Legal Thesaurus … Law dictionary
salience — refers to the centrality of a particular attitude , identity , or role . Salient events are those that are relatively important or are the focus of attention. Thus, at election time, politicians are anxious that the salient issues are the ones… … Dictionary of sociology
salience — 1836, “quality of leaping;” see SALIENT (Cf. salient) + ENCE (Cf. ence). Meaning “quality of standing out” is from 1849. It was used in M.E. as an adjective meaning leaping, skipping … Etymology dictionary
Salience — The term salience may refer to:* Salience (neuroscience) * Salience (semiotics) * Salience (communication) * Salience, a term used in CLIPS (an expert systems programming language)ee also* Salient … Wikipedia
salience — salient ► ADJECTIVE 1) most noticeable or important. 2) (of an angle) pointing outwards. ► NOUN 1) a piece of land or section of fortification that juts out to form an angle. 2) an outward bulge in a military line. DERIVATIVES salience noun … English terms dictionary
Salience (communication) — Salience is the state or condition of being prominent. The Oxford English Dictionary defines salience as most noticeable or important. The concept is discussed in communication, sociology, psychology, and political science. It has been studied… … Wikipedia
Salience (semiotics) — This article is about salience in the field of semiotics, for other meanings see Salience. In semiotics, salience refers to the relative importance or prominence of a piece of a sign. The relative salience of a particular sign when considered in… … Wikipedia
Salience (neuroscience) — This article is about salience in the field of neuroscience, for other meanings see Salience. The salience (also called saliency) of an item – be it an object, a person, a pixel, etc. – is its state or quality of standing out relative to… … Wikipedia
salience — noun Date: 1836 1. the quality or state of being salient 2. a striking point or feature ; highlight … New Collegiate Dictionary
salience — /say lee euhns, sayl yeuhns/, n. 1. the state or condition of being salient. 2. a salient or projecting object, part, or feature. [1830 40; see SALIENT, ENCE] * * * … Universalium