- sailplane
- [ʹseılpleın] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sailplane — [sāl′plān΄] n. a light glider especially designed for soaring vi. sailplaned, sailplaning to fly a sailplane … English World dictionary
sailplane — ► NOUN ▪ a glider designed for sustained flight … English terms dictionary
sailplane — noun Date: 1922 a glider of such design that it is able to rise in an upward air current • sailplane intransitive verb • sailplaner noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
sailplane — sailplaner, n. /sayl playn /, n., v., sailplaned, sailplaning. n. 1. a very light glider that can be lifted by an upward current of air. v.i. 2. to soar in a sailplane. [1920 25; SAIL + PLANE1] * * * … Universalium
sailplane — sail•plane [[t]ˈseɪlˌpleɪn[/t]] n. v. planed, plan•ing 1) aer. a very light glider that can be lifted by an upward current of air 2) to soar in a sailplane • Etymology: 1920–25 sail′plan er, n … From formal English to slang
sailplane — /ˈseɪlpleɪn / (say saylplayn) noun 1. a glider designed especially for sustained flight using ascending air currents. –verb (i) (sailplaned, sailplaning) 2. to soar in a sailplane. {sail + plane1} …
sailplane — sklandytuvas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sparnų keliamas, savo masės varomas, sunkesnis už orą skraidymo aparatas be variklio. Dauguma sklandytuvų pradinį aukštį ir greitį gauna velkami lėktuvo, žemės vilkiko,… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Sailplane Corporation of America — The Sailplane Corporation of America was a US manufacturer of sailplanes founded by Gus Briegleb at a former US Army Airfield at El Mirage Dry Lake in California to market kits and plans of his own designs. The firm s greatest success was the… … Wikipedia
sailplane — noun A glider that is optimised for soaring and is equipped with fixed wings and fuselage … Wiktionary
sailplane — Synonyms and related words: aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, be airborne, cruise, drift, ferry, flit, fly, glide, glider, gliding machine, hop, hover, hydroplane, jet, navigate, rocket glider, sail, seaplane, soar, take the air, take wing,… … Moby Thesaurus
sailplane — n. lightweight glider plane that can be lifted upward by rising air currents … English contemporary dictionary