- safety officer
- [ʹseıftı͵ɒfısə]
1. воен. офицер по обеспечению безопасности движения автотранспорта2. ав. офицер, отвечающий за безопасность полётов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
safety officer — safety officers N COUNT The safety officer in a company or an organization is the person who is responsible for the safety of the people who work or visit there. Organisers had consulted widely with police, stewards and safety officers to ensure… … English dictionary
safety officer — safety .officer n someone in an organization who is responsible for the safety of the people who work there … Dictionary of contemporary English
safety officer — noun An official whose responsibility is to ensure that safety regulations are adhered to • • • Main Entry: ↑safe … Useful english dictionary
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor — The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is the highest decoration for bravery performed by public safety officers in the United States, comparable to the military s Medal of Honor. History The Medal of Valor was established on May 30, 2001. It… … Wikipedia
Fire Safety Officer — In the United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Service a Fire Safety Officer (sometimes referred to as a Fire Officer) is a firefighter who has attained the rank of Sub Officer (also known as a Watch Commander) or above and transferred from front line… … Wikipedia
Diving safety officer — (DSO) is the title held by the person who administers a United States university s research diving safety program. He or she serves as a member of the institution s Diving Control Board (DCB) and needs broad technical and scientific expertise in… … Wikipedia
Radiation Safety Officer — In the United States, the person within an organization responsible for the safe use of radiation and radioactive materials as well as regulatory compliance. An organization licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to use radioactive… … Wikipedia
Range Safety Officer — In the field of rocketry, Range Safety Officer (RSO) is a generic term referring to an individual who monitors the performance of rockets in flight, and who is responsible for their remote destruction if it should be judged that they pose a… … Wikipedia
Public safety officer medal of valor — La Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor est la plus haute décoration pour la bravoure offerte à des non militaires aux États Unis. Elle est comparable en importance à la décoration militaire Medal of Honor. La médaille a été créée le 30 mai 2001 … Wikipédia en Français
range safety officer — A person responsible for the safety of personnel and aircraft on an air to ground or other type of firing range. The RSO is also responsible for ensuring that the pilots deliver their weapons within the specified parameters and follow all safety… … Aviation dictionary
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor — La Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor est la plus haute décoration pour la bravoure offerte à des non militaires aux États Unis. Elle est comparable en importance à la décoration militaire Medal of Honor. La médaille a été créée le 30 mai 2001 … Wikipédia en Français