- saddlery
- [ʹsædlərı] n
1. шорное дело, шорничество2. шорная мастерская, шорницкая, шорня
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Saddlery — Sad dler*y, n. 1. The materials for making saddles and harnesses; the articles usually offered for sale in a saddler s shop. [1913 Webster] 2. The trade or employment of a saddler. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saddlery — ► NOUN (pl. saddleries) 1) saddles, bridles, and other equipment for horses. 2) the making or repairing of such equipment. 3) a saddler s business or premises … English terms dictionary
saddlery — [sad′lər ē] n. pl. saddleries [ME sadelarie] 1. the work or craft of a saddler 2. the articles, as saddles, harnesses, bridles, etc., made by a saddler 3. a shop where such articles are sold … English World dictionary
saddlery — UK [ˈsædlərɪ] / US noun Word forms saddlery : singular saddlery plural saddleries 1) [uncountable] products made by a saddler 2) [uncountable] the art or profession of making saddles and other leather products 3) [countable] American a saddler s… … English dictionary
saddlery — [[t]sæ̱dləri[/t]] N UNCOUNT Saddles and other leather goods made by a saddler can be referred to as saddlery … English dictionary
saddlery — noun (plural dleries) Date: 15th century the trade, articles of trade, or shop of a saddler … New Collegiate Dictionary
saddlery — /sad leuh ree/, n., pl. saddleries. 1. saddles, harnesses, and other equipment for horses. 2. the work, business, or shop of a saddler. [1400 50; late ME sadelerie. See SADDLER, Y3] * * * … Universalium
saddlery — noun a) The trade or craft of a saddler. b) A place of business of a saddler … Wiktionary
Saddlery — In Westcheap, near St. Vedast Church. The quarter of the City occupied by the Saddlers. First mention: 1280 (Ct. H.W. I. 49). Also: Seleria de Westchepe, 1294 (ib. 115). Probably in the neighbourhood of the present Saddlers Hall… … Dictionary of London
saddlery — Synonyms and related words: antique store, apothecary, automobile showroom, bookstore, bootery, candy store, chemist, cigar store, clothiers, clothing store, confectionery, dress shop, drugstore, dry goods store, florists, fur salon, furniture… … Moby Thesaurus
saddlery — sad|dler|y [ˈsædləri] n [U] saddles and leather goods made by a saddler … Dictionary of contemporary English