- sad sack sad sack
- Sad Sack, sad sack
1> _разг. растяпа, недотепа (особ. о солдате)
2> неудачник, бедолага
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sad-sack — adj, always used before a noun a sad sack team a sad sack performance • • • Main Entry: ↑sad sack … Useful english dictionary
sad — (adj.) O.E. sæd sated, from P.Gmc. *sathaz (Cf. O.N. saðr, M.Du. sat, Du. zad, O.H.G. sat, Ger. satt, Goth. saþs satiated ), from PIE *seto (Cf. L. satis enough, sufficient, O.C.S. sytu, Lith … Etymology dictionary
sad sack — ☆ sad sack n. [shortened < mil. slang “sad sack of shit”] Slang a person who means well but is incompetent, ineffective, etc. and is consistently in trouble … English World dictionary
sad sack — sad sack, adj. Slang. a pathetically inept person, esp. a soldier, who continually blunders in spite of good intentions. [after the cartoon character created in 1942 by U.S. cartoonist George Baker (1915 75)] * * * … Universalium
sad sack — sad′ sack n. a pathetically inept person • Etymology: after the cartoon character created in 1942 by U.S. cartoonist George Baker (1915–75) … From formal English to slang
Sad Sack — The Sad Sack is an American fictional comic strip and comic book character created by Sgt. George Baker during World War II. Set in the United States Army, Sad Sack depicted an otherwise unnamed, lowly private experiencing some of the absurdities … Wikipedia
Sad Sack (Arrested Development episode) — Infobox Arrested Development episode episode name = Sad Sack episode no = 2AJD05 airdate = December 12, 2004 writer = Barbara Feldman director = Peter Lauer on the next = Oscar returns to find a now distant Lucille, which was what attracted him… … Wikipedia
sad sack — n. a sad person; a listless or depressed person. □ Tom always looks like such a sad sack. □ Who is that sad sack moping in the corner? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
sad sack — n. (slang) (AE) inept person a hopeless sad sack * * * [ˌsæd sæk] (slang) (AE) [ inept person ] a hopeless sad sack … Combinatory dictionary
Sack — A sack is a bag, especially a large one for carrying or storing goods.Sack can also mean, as a verb:* To terminate employment * To tackle the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage in American and Canadian football * To lootSack can mean, as a… … Wikipedia
sad sack — noun Date: 1943 an inept person; especially an inept soldier • sad sack adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary