- sacrosanct
- [ʹsækrəʋsæŋkt] a книжн.
священный и неприкосновенный
sacrosanct place - священное место
the sacrosanct person of the king - священная особа короля
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sacrosanct place - священное место
the sacrosanct person of the king - священная особа короля
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sacrosanct — SACROSÁNCT, Ă, sacrosancţi, te, adj. (livr.) Sacru1, sfânt; p. ext. intangibil, inviolabil. [var.: sacrosánt, ă adj.] – Din lat. sacrosanctus. Trimis de LauraGellner, 17.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 SACROSÁNCT adj … Dicționar Român
Sacrosanct — Sac ro*sanct, a. [L. sucrosanctus.] Sacred; inviolable. [R.] Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sacrosanct — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Thrash Metal Gründung 1988 Auflösung 1994 Gr … Deutsch Wikipedia
sacrosanct — I adjective anointed, awesome, blessed, ceremonial, consecrated, dedicated, devotional, divine, elevated, enshrined, godly, hallowed, heavenly, holy, ineffable, inviolable, inviolate, mystical, purified, religious, revered, reverend, sacramental … Law dictionary
sacrosanct — c.1600, from L. sacrosanctus protected by religious sanction, from sacro, ablative of sacrum religious sanction (from neut. singular of sacer sacred ) + sanctus, pp. of sancire make sacred (see SACRED (Cf. sacred)). Earlier in partially… … Etymology dictionary
sacrosanct — inviolate, inviolable, *sacred Analogous words: respected, regarded, esteemed (see corresponding verbs under REGARD n): revered, venerated, reverenced (see REVERE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sacrosanct — [adj] sacred blessed, consecrated, divine, godly, hallowed, holy, pious, pure, religious, revered, sacramental, saintly, sanctified, spiritual, unprofane, venerated; concept 574 … New thesaurus
sacrosanct — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. DERIVATIVES sacrosanctity noun. ORIGIN Latin sacrosanctus, from sacro by a sacred rite + sanctus holy … English terms dictionary
sacrosanct — [sak′rō saŋkt΄] adj. [L sacrosanctus < sacer, SACRED + sanctus, holy: see SAINT] very sacred, holy, or inviolable sacrosanctity n … English World dictionary
sacrosanct — sacrosanctity, sacrosanctness, n. /sak roh sangkt /, adj. 1. extremely sacred or inviolable: a sacrosanct chamber in the temple. 2. not to be entered or trespassed upon: She considered her home office sacrosanct. 3. above or beyond criticism,… … Universalium
sacrosanct — [[t]sæ̱kroʊsæŋkt[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If you describe something as sacrosanct, you consider it to be special and are unwilling to see it criticized or changed. Freedom of the press is sacrosanct and should remain so. ...weekend rest… … English dictionary