- sackage
- [ʹsækıdʒ] n редк.
разграбление (захваченного города)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sackage — Sack age (?; 48), n. The act of taking by storm and pillaging; sack. [R.] H. Roscoe. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sackage — noun /ˈsækɪdʒ/lang=en The instance or action of sacking … Wiktionary
sackage — sack·age … English syllables
sackage — ˈsakij noun ( s) : the action of sacking or pillaging … Useful english dictionary
Stealing — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Stealing >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 stealing stealing &c. >V. Sgm: N 1 theft theft thievery latrociny| direption Sgm: N 1 abstraction abstraction appropriation Sgm: N 1 plagiary … English dictionary for students
sack — I. n. 1. Bag, pouch. 2. Spoliation, destruction, desolation, devastation, havoc, waste, ravage, sackage, despoilment. 3. Booty, spoil, plunder. 4. Sherry, sherry wine. II. v. a. Ravage, despoil, devastate, spoil, plunder, pillage, take by storm … New dictionary of synonyms
depredation — n 1. plunder, plundering, plunderage, rapine, pillage, spoliation, despoliation, despoilment, Obs. direption, raven or ravin; preying upon, ravaging, ravage, harrying, marauding, Archaic. maraud, sacking, Rare. sackage; laying waste, devastation … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
despoliation — n 1. pillage, plunder, plundering, plunderage, rapine, depredation, spoliation, despoilment, Obs. direption, raven or ravin; ravaging, pillaging, harrying, marauding, sacking, Rare. sackage; raid, foray, razzia, inroad; foraging, looting,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
loot — n 1. booty, Archaic. boot, spoil, spoils, plunder, pillage, Archaic. prey, Scot. Obs. reif; stolen goods, Inf. steal, Sl. hot goods, Sl. boodle, Sl. the take, Sl. the goods, Sl. swag. 2.Informal. valuables, treasures, prizes, gifts, possessions,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pillage — v 1. plunder, rob, despoil, Archaic. spoil, spoliate, Chiefly Scot. reive; ravage, harry, rape, maraud, devastate, lay waste, depredate; ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle, steal; desecrate, defile, outrage, violate. 2. desolate,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
piracy — n 1. robbery at sea, brigandage, buccaneering, freebooting, banditry, highway robbery, Obs. latrociny, privateering, filibustering, U.S. Inf. (usu. of cattle) rustling. 2. commandeering, hijacking, skyjacking, air or sky piracy; (usu. of persons) … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder