- bashful
- [ʹbæʃf(ə)l] a
застенчивый; робкий; скромный
bashful child - робкий ребёнок
bashful looks - скромный вид
bashful glance - стыдливый взгляд
bashful young girl - застенчивая девушка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bashful child - робкий ребёнок
bashful looks - скромный вид
bashful glance - стыдливый взгляд
bashful young girl - застенчивая девушка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bashful — may refer to: *Shyness *Bashful (film), a 1917 American film *Bashful (character), a character from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs … Wikipedia
Bashful — Bash ful (b[a^]sh f[.u]l), a. [See {Bash}.] 1. Abashed; daunted; dismayed. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. Very modest, or modest to excess; constitutionally disposed to shrink from public notice; indicating extreme or excessive modesty; shy; as, a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bashful — index diffident Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bashful — 1540s, from baishen to be filled with consternation or dismay (mid 14c.), from O.Fr. baissier bring down, humiliate (see ABASH (Cf. abash)). Related: Bashfully; bashfulness (1530s) … Etymology dictionary
bashful — *shy, diffident, modest, coy Analogous words: shrinking, recoiling (see RECOIL vb): timorous, *timid: embarrassed, abashed (see EMBARRASS) Antonyms: forward: brazen Contrasted words: brash, barefaced, impudent, *shameless: bold, intrepid (see … New Dictionary of Synonyms
bashful — [adj] shy abashed, backward, blushful, blushing, chary, confused, constrained, coy, demure, diffident, embarrassed, humble, modest, nervous, overmodest, recoiling, reserved, reticent, retiring, self conscious, self effacing, shamefaced, sheepish … New thesaurus
bashful — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ shy and easily embarrassed. DERIVATIVES bashfully adverb bashfulness noun. ORIGIN from obsolete bash «make or become abashed» … English terms dictionary
bashful — [bash′fəl] adj. [(A)BASH + FUL] 1. timid, shy, and easily embarrassed 2. showing an embarrassed timidity SYN. SHY1 bashfully adv. bashfulness n … English World dictionary
bashful — [[t]bæ̱ʃfʊl[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is bashful is shy and easily embarrassed. Offstage, he is bashful and awkward... In our culture we tend to be bashful about our talents and skills. ...a bashful young lady. Syn: coy Derived words: bashfully … English dictionary
bashful — adjective Etymology: obsolete bash (to be abashed) Date: 1548 1. socially shy or timid ; diffident, self conscious 2. resulting from or typical of a bashful nature < a bashful smile > Synonyms: see shy • bashf … New Collegiate Dictionary
bashful — bash|ful [ˈbæʃfəl] adj [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: bash to be embarrassed or ashamed (14 17 centuries), from abash; ABASHED] easily embarrassed in social situations = ↑shy ▪ a bashful grin ▪ Don t be bashful about telling people how you feel.… … Dictionary of contemporary English