
[͵rʌstıʹkeıʃ(ə)n] n
1. 1) поселение в деревне
2) ссылка в деревню
2. деревенская жизнь
3. временное исключение (студента) из университета
4. стр.
1) рустовка
2) кладка (выступающими камнями или рустиками)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rustication" в других словарях:

  • Rustication — Rus ti*ca tion, n. [L. rusticatio.] 1. The act of rusticating, or the state of being rusticated; specifically, the punishment of a student for some offense, by compelling him to leave the institution for a time. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) Rustic… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rustication — 1620s, from L. rusticationem (nom. rusticatio) act or fact of living in the country, noun of action from pp. stem of rusticari live or stay in the country, from rusticus (see RUSTIC (Cf. rustic)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • rustication — /rus ti kay sheuhn/, n. 1. Also called rustic work. Archit. any of various forms of ashlar so dressed and tooled that the visible faces are raised above or otherwise contrasted with the horizontal and usually the vertical joints. 2. the act of a… …   Universalium

  • Rustication — Things commonly known as rustication include: * Rustication is a process in Smoking pipe creation / refinishing where the surface of the pipe is given a texture or design by removing some of the material, often used to give a pipe the appearance… …   Wikipedia

  • Rustication —    The term refers to large blocks of stone that are roughly cut and applied to building façades to grant a bold surface texture. The use of rustication allows for statements of masculinity and power, as the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • rustication — rusticate ► VERB 1) Brit. suspend (a student) from a university as a punishment (used chiefly at Oxford and Cambridge). 2) fashion (masonry) in large blocks with sunken joints and a roughened surface. DERIVATIVES rustication noun. ORIGIN… …   English terms dictionary

  • Rustication (architecture) — Rustication is an architectural term that contrasts with ashlar, smoothly finished, squared block masonry surfaces. Rusticated masonry is squared off and left with a more or less rough surface, with a deep V or square joint or with finished… …   Wikipedia

  • Rustication (UK military) — Rustication is a term used in the British military to describe the process of posting a person or relocating a unit from London (or a command HQ) to elsewhere in the country …   Wikipedia

  • Rustication (academia) — Use in the United KingdomRustication (temporary expulsion) is a term used at some British academic institutions for a disciplinary action. The term derives from the Latin word rus , countryside, to indicate that a student has been sent back to… …   Wikipedia

  • rustication — noun see rusticate …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rustication — noun a) the act of rusticating (transitive verb sense) b) the act of being rusticated (intransitive verb sense) See Also: rusticate …   Wiktionary

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