
1. [ʹrʌmb(ə)l] n
1. громыхание, грохот, грохотанье; гул

the rumble of thunder - раскаты грома

the rumble of an earthquake - гул землетрясения

2. 1) ропот, жалобы; недовольство

rumbles of opposition - выражения протеста

2) недобрый слух

to pass a rumble - распространять злостные слухи

3. ист. сиденье или место для багажа или слуги сзади экипажа
4. = rumble seat
5. амер. сл.
1) ссора, скандал
2) драка между бандами подростков
6. сл.
1) поимка на месте преступления
2) обыск (особ. в поисках наркотиков)
2. [ʹrʌmb(ə)l] v
1. громыхать, греметь, грохотать

a cart rumbled along the street - по улице с грохотом проехала телега

2. ехать в громыхающем экипаже
3. урчать
4. говорить громко (тж. rumble out, rumble forth)

to rumble out /forth/ a remark - громко сделать замечание

5. тех. очищать в галтовочном барабане
II [ʹrʌmb(ə)l] v разг.
видеть насквозь, понимать

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Смотреть что такое "rumble" в других словарях:

  • Rumble — «Rumble» Сингл Link Wray and his Raymen из альбома Link Wray T …   Википедия

  • Rumble — may refer to:People*Darren Rumble, a retired professional ice hockey defensemanMusic* Rumble (song), an instrumental rock song by Link Wray *Rumble Fish (group), a Korean rock band * rumble fish , Do As Infinity s fifth single * Rumble Fish is… …   Wikipedia

  • rumble on — ˌrumble ˈon [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they rumble on he/she/it rumbles on present participle rumbling on past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • rumble — ⇒RUMBLE, subst. masc. TECHNOL. Vibration de très basse fréquence, produisant un ronflement dans le système amplificateur d un tourne disque. Les spécialistes distinguent, à l écoute, le « rumble », bruit de basse continu, et le « hum », sorte de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Rumble — Rum ble, n. 1. A noisy report; rumor. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Delighting ever in rumble that is new. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. A low, heavy, continuous sound like that made by heavy wagons or the reverberation of thunder; a confused noise; as, the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rumble — Rum ble, v. t. To cause to pass through a rumble, or shaking machine. See {Rumble}, n., 4. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rumble — Rum ble, v. i. [OE. romblen, akin to D. rommelen, G. rumpeln, Dan. rumle; cf. Icel. rymja to roar.] 1. To make a low, heavy, continued sound; as, the thunder rumbles at a distance. [1913 Webster] In the mean while the skies gan rumble sore.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rumble — (v.) late 14c., probably related to M.Du. rommelen to rumble, M.H.G. rummeln, O.N. rymja to shout, roar, all of imitative origin. The noun is attested from late 14c. Slang noun meaning gang fight is from 1946. Meaning backmost part of a carriage… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rumble — [rum′bəl] vi. rumbled, rumbling [ME romblen, prob. < MDu rommelen < IE base * reu > RUNE, RUMOR] 1. to make a deep, heavy, continuous, rolling sound, as thunder 2. to move or go with such a sound 3. Slang to participate in a RUMBLE ( …   English World dictionary

  • rumble — ► VERB 1) make a continuous deep, resonant sound. 2) move with such a sound. 3) (rumble on) (of a dispute) continue in a low key way. 4) Brit. informal discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator). ► NOUN 1) a continuous deep, resonant s …   English terms dictionary

  • rumble — [v] growl, thunder boom, grumble, resound, roar, roll; concept 65 …   New thesaurus

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