
[ʹrʌgıd] a
1. неровный, шероховатый; негладкий

rugged bark - негладкая /шероховатая/ кора

rugged country - сильно пересечённая местность

rugged mountains - скалистые горы

a rugged coast - изрезанный берег

2. 1) грубый, морщинистый

rugged features - грубые черты лица

2) нахмуренный
3. неотшлифованный, грубый

rugged manners - грубые манеры

rugged verses - неотделанные стихи

4. тяжёлый, трудный

rugged life - тяжёлая жизнь

rugged times - тяжёлые /трудные/ времена

5. сильный, твёрдый, прямой, стойкий

rugged men - закалённые люди

rugged individualism - неистребимый индивидуализм

rugged kindness - суровая доброта

rugged code of morals - твёрдые моральные устои

6. резкий (на слух)
7. амер. крепкий; сильный
8. редк. суровый, ненастный (о погоде)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rugged" в других словарях:

  • Rugged — Rug ged, a. [See {Rug}, n.] 1. Full of asperities on the surface; broken into sharp or irregular points, or otherwise uneven; not smooth; rough; as, a rugged mountain; a rugged road. [1913 Webster] The rugged bark of some broad elm. Milton. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rugged — [rug′id] adj. [ME, rough, shaggy, prob. < Scand, as in Swed rugga, to roughen: for IE base see RUG] 1. having irregular projections and depressions; uneven in surface or contour; rough; wrinkled [rugged ground, a rugged coast] 2. strong,… …   English World dictionary

  • Rugged — may refer to:Wiktionary *Rugged Island *Rugged Lark *Rugged Mountain *Rugged computer …   Wikipedia

  • rugged — [adj1] bumpy, weathered asperous, broken, coarse, craggy, difficult, furrowed, harsh, hilly, irregular, jagged, leathery, lumpy, mountainous, ragged, rocky, rough, roughhewn, scabrous, scraggy, stark, uneven, unlevel, unpolished, unrefined,… …   New thesaurus

  • rugged — early 14c., rough, shaggy, careworn (originally of animals), from O.N. rogg shaggy tuft (see RUG (Cf. rug)). The precise relationship to ragged is not quite clear, but the stem is no doubt ultimately the same [OED]. Meaning strong, robust is Amer …   Etymology dictionary

  • rugged — index brutal, powerful, severe, solid (sound), strong Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • rugged — *rough, scabrous, harsh, uneven Analogous words: robust, *healthy: burly, brawny, husky, *muscular: *rank, rampant: arduous, *hard, difficult Antonyms: fragile …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • rugged — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having a rocky and uneven surface. 2) having or requiring toughness and determination. 3) (of a man) having attractively masculine, rough hewn features. DERIVATIVES ruggedly adverb ruggedness noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense… …   English terms dictionary

  • rugged — ruggedly, adv. ruggedness, n. /rug id/, adj. 1. having a roughly broken, rocky, hilly, or jagged surface: rugged ground. 2. (of a face) wrinkled or furrowed, as by experience or the endurance of hardship. 3. roughly irregular, heavy, or hard in… …   Universalium

  • rugged — rug|ged [ˈrʌgıd] adj [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language] 1.) land that is rugged is rough and uneven ▪ a rugged coastline ▪ the rugged beauty of the Highlands 2.) a man who is rugged is good looking and has strong… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rugged — [[t]rʌ̱gɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A rugged area of land is uneven and covered with rocks, with few trees or plants. [LITERARY] We left the rough track and bumped our way over a rugged mountainous terrain. Derived words: ruggedly ADV ADV… …   English dictionary

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