rub out

rub out
[ʹrʌbʹaʋt] phr v
1. 1) стирать, вычищать

to rub out pencil marks - стереть карандашные пометки

to rub out typing errors - подчистить машинописные ошибки

she could not rub the stain out - она не смогла оттереть пятно

2) счищаться

the stains won't rub out - пятна не сходят /не отчищаются/

2. 1) уничтожать, стирать с лица земли

much of the town was rubbed out in the air raids - во время воздушных налётов была уничтожена большая часть города

2) сл. убивать; ликвидировать (человека)

the gangster was rubbed out by his former partner - гангстер был убит своим бывшим сообщником

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rub out" в других словарях:

  • rub out — rub (someone) out to kill someone. She got into serious trouble when she ran an ad that said, “Looking for someone to rub out your Ex?” as a joke. Usage notes: generally used when referring to criminals who employ someone to kill an enemy …   New idioms dictionary

  • rub out — ► rub out 1) erase (pencil marks) with a rubber. 2) N. Amer. informal kill. Main Entry: ↑rub …   English terms dictionary

  • rub out — index censor, deface, delete, destroy (efface), expunge, extirpate, obliterate Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • rub|out — «RUHB OWT», noun. U.S. Slang. a murder; gangland killing …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rub-Out — Der Rub Out Test (engl.: Ausreibprüfung), seltener Rub Up Test (engl. Aufreibprüfung)[1], ist eine der am weitesten verbreiteten Prüfungen von Lacken. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Prinzip 2 Durchführung 3 Kritik 4 Sonderfälle …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rub Out — Der Rub Out Test (engl.: Ausreibprüfung), seltener Rub Up Test (engl. Aufreibprüfung)[1], ist eine der am weitesten verbreiteten Prüfungen von Lacken. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Prinzip 2 Durchführung 3 Kritik 4 Sonderfälle …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rub out — verb remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing Please erase the formula on the blackboard it is wrong! • Syn: ↑erase, ↑score out, ↑efface, ↑wipe off • Derivationally related forms: ↑erasure (for …   Useful english dictionary

  • rub out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms rub out : present tense I/you/we/they rub out he/she/it rubs out present participle rubbing out past tense rubbed out past participle rubbed out 1) a) British to remove with a rubber something that you have… …   English dictionary

  • rub out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you rub out something that you have written on paper or a board, you remove it using a rubber or eraser. [V P n (not pron)] She began rubbing out the pencilled marks in the margin. [Also V n P] Syn: erase 2) PHRASAL VERB If one …   English dictionary

  • rub out — verb a) To delete or erase or remove (something) by rubbing. The teacher wanted to rub out the chalk marks on the board. b) To kill. The first will understand but little of them, the latter over much; they might perhaps live and rub out in the… …   Wiktionary

  • rub out — phr verb Rub out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑word …   Collocations dictionary

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