Смотреть что такое "barytone" в других словарях:
Barytone — Bar y*tone, Baritone Bar i*tone, a. [Gr. bary tonos; bary s heavy + to nos tone.] 1. (Mus.) Grave and deep, as a kind of male voice. [1913 Webster] 2. (Greek Gram.) Not marked with an accent on the last syllable, the grave accent being understood … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Barytone — Bar y*tone, Baritone Bar i*tone, n. [F. baryton: cf. It. baritono.] 1. (Mus.) (a) A male voice, the compass of which partakes of the common bass and the tenor, but which does not descend as low as the one, nor rise as high as the other. (b) A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
barytone — [bar′ə tōn΄, ber′ə tōn΄] adj., n. BARITONE … English World dictionary
barytone — barytone1 /bar i tohn /, n., adj. Music. baritone. barytone2 /bar i tohn /, Classical Gk. Gram. adj. 1. having the last syllable unaccented. n. 2. a barytone word. [1820 30; < Gk barýtonos, equiv. to barý(s) heavy, deep (of sound) + tónos TONE … Universalium
barytone — Baryton фр., нем. [барито/н] barytone, baritone англ. [бэ/ритоун] баритон: 1) мужской голос (у фр. и англ.) 2) медн. дух. инструм. 3) смычковый инструм … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
barytone — I bar•y•tone [[t]ˈbær ɪˌtoʊn[/t]] n. adj. mad baritone II bar•y•tone [[t]ˈbær ɪˌtoʊn[/t]] adj. 1) gram. (of a word in Classical Greek) having the last syllable unaccented 2) gram. a barytone word • Etymology: 1820–30; < Gk barýtonos=barý(s)… … From formal English to slang
barytone — I. /ˈbærətoʊn/ (say baruhtohn) noun 1. Also, baryton. a form of bass viol having sympathetic strings. 2. → baritone. –adjective 3. → baritone. II. /ˈbærətoʊn/ (say baruhtohn) adjective 1 …
barytone — variant of baritone … New Collegiate Dictionary
barytone — См. barìtono … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
barytone — 1. adjective /ˈbærɪtəʊn/ Not having the acute accent on the final syllable of a word, especially with reference to Greek grammar See Also: oxytone, paroxytone, proparoxytone 2. noun /ˈbærɪtəʊn/ An alternative (and rare) form of … Wiktionary
barytone — n. male singer; baritone, male singing voice (between tenor and bass); (Linguistics) word that has a heavy stress or relative highness or lowness of a sound accent on its second to last syllable … English contemporary dictionary