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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Philip II of Spain — Philip II King of Naples Reign 25 July 1554 – 13 September 1598 Predecessor … Wikipedia
stock´i|ness — stock|y «STOK ee», adjective, stock|i|er, stock|i|est. having a solid or sturdy form or build; thick for its height: »a stocky building. He is a stocky, roundfaced man. –stock´i|ly, adverb. –s … Useful english dictionary
stock´i|ly — stock|y «STOK ee», adjective, stock|i|er, stock|i|est. having a solid or sturdy form or build; thick for its height: »a stocky building. He is a stocky, roundfaced man. –stock´i|ly, adverb. –s … Useful english dictionary
stock|y — «STOK ee», adjective, stock|i|er, stock|i|est. having a solid or sturdy form or build; thick for its height: »a stocky building. He is a stocky, roundfaced man. –stock´i|ly, adverb. –s … Useful english dictionary