- round table
- [͵raʋndʹteıb(ə)l]
1. «круглый стол», встреча за круглым столом, симпозиум, конференция и т. п.2. (Round Table) лит. Круглый стол (короля Артура)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Round Table — (RT) zählt zu den Service Clubs und ist eine parteipolitisch und konfessionell neutrale Vereinigung junger Männer im Alter von 18 bis 40 Jahren. Die Idee und die Organisationsform von Round Table haben ihren Ursprung in der Tradition des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Round Table — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ROUND TABLE featuring Nino Información personal Origen Japón … Wikipedia Español
Round Table — Round Ta|ble [ raʊnd teɪbl̩ ], der; [engl. round table, eigtl. = runder Tisch, in Anlehnung an: Round Table = Tafelrunde des Königs Artus]: Kurzf. von ↑ Round Table Konferenz. * * * Round Table [raʊnd teɪbl; englisch »runder Tisch«] der, ,… … Universal-Lexikon
Round Table — Round Round, a. [OF. roond, roont, reond, F. rond, fr. L. rotundus, fr. rota wheel. See {Rotary}, and cf. {Rotund}, {roundel}, {Rundlet}.] 1. Having every portion of the surface or of the circumference equally distant from the center; spherical;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Round table — Table Ta ble, n. [F., fr. L. tabula a board, tablet, a painting. Cf. {Tabular}, {Taffrail}, {Tavern}.] 1. A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab. [1913 Webster] A bagnio paved with fair… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Round Table — Round Ta|ble [ raund teibl̩] der; <aus gleichbed. engl. round table, eigtl. »runder Tisch«, in Anlehnung an Round Table »Tafelrunde des Königs Artus«> svw. ↑Round Table Konferenz … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
round table — round tables also round table, roundtable N COUNT: usu N n A round table discussion is a meeting where experts gather together in order to discuss a particular topic. ...a round table conference of the leading heart specialists of America … English dictionary
round table — UK US (also round table) adjective [before noun] MEETINGS ► used to describe a discussion or meeting where everyone is thought of as equal in importance: »The round table discussion will be with business executives … Financial and business terms
round-table — adj [only before noun] a round table discussion is one in which everyone can talk about things in an equal way round table discussion/meeting/talks … Dictionary of contemporary English
round-table — adj [only before noun] a round table discussion is one in which everyone can talk about things in an equal way round table discussion/meeting/talks … Dictionary of contemporary English
Round Table — n. 1. Arthurian Legend a) the large table around which King Arthur and his knights sit: it is circular to avoid disputes about precedence b) King Arthur and his knights, collectively 2. [r t ] a) a group gathered together for an informal… … English World dictionary