- root nodule
- [͵ru:tʹnɒdju:l] бот.
корневой клубенёк
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Root nodule — Cross section though a soybean (Glycine max Essex ) root nodule. The bacterium, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, colonizes the roots and establishes a nitrogen fixing symbiosis. This high magnification image shows part of a cell with single bacteroids… … Wikipedia
root nodule — noun or root tubercle : nodule 2b(3) * * * root nodule noun (botany) The swelling on the root of a leguminous plant containing nitrogen fixing bacteria • • • Main Entry: ↑root … Useful english dictionary
root nodule — noun see nodule (sense 1) … English new terms dictionary
root nodule — Gall like structures on roots that contain endosymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria (e.g., Rhizobium or Bradyrhizobium is present in legume nodules) … Dictionary of microbiology
root nodule — Globular structure formed on the roots of certain plants, notably legumes and alder, by symbiotic association between the plant and a nitrogen fixing microorganism ( Rhizobium in the case of legumes and Frankia in the case of alder and a variety… … Dictionary of molecular biology
root nodule — A small round mass of cells attached to the roots of leguminous plants, containing symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteroids, particularly Rhizobium spp … Glossary of Biotechnology
Nodule — may refer to: Nodule (geology), a small knobbly rock or mineral cluster, such as a manganese nodule Nodule (medicine), a small aggregation of cells Nodule (dermatology), a lesion similar to a papule Root nodule, an outgrowth formed on the roots… … Wikipedia
root tubercle — noun see root nodule * * * root tubercle noun A root nodule • • • Main Entry: ↑root * * * root tubercle, Botany. one of the small rootlike growths or nodules produced on the roots of leguminous plants by nitrogen fixing bacteria … Useful english dictionary
nodule — noun 1》 a small swelling or aggregation of cells, especially an abnormal one. ↘(usu. root nodule) a swelling on a root of a leguminous plant, containing nitrogen fixing bacteria. 2》 a small rounded lump of matter distinct from its… … English new terms dictionary
Root hair — A root hair is a tubular outgrowth of root epidermal cells of vascular plants. They are found only in the region of maturation of the root. Root hairs are a specialized form of rhizoid.Root hairs form an important surface over which plants absorb … Wikipedia
nodule — ► NOUN 1) a small swelling or aggregation of cells in the body. 2) a swelling on a root of a leguminous plant, containing nitrogen fixing bacteria. 3) a small rounded lump of matter distinct from its surroundings. DERIVATIVES nodular adjective.… … English terms dictionary