- roman cement
- [͵rəʋmənsıʹment] стр.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Roman cement — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman-Cement — Roman Cement, s.u. Cement 4) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
roman cement — noun Usage: usually capitalized R : a natural cement prepared by calcining septaria and grinding it dry to a fine powder * * * Roman cement noun A hydraulic cement made from calcareous nodules from the London Clay • • • Main Entry: ↑Roman … Useful english dictionary
Roman cement — romancementis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Išdegtas, bet nesukepintas, sumaltas mergelis su ≥ 25% molio priemaiša. atitikmenys: angl. Roman cement rus. романский цемент; роман цемент … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Roman — Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a Roman … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman alum — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman balance — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman candle — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman Catholic — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman law — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Roman nose — Roman Ro man, a. [L. Romanus, fr. Roma Rome: cf. F. romain. Cf. {Romaic}, {Romance}, {Romantic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English