
1> разыгрывать роль (тж. перен.)
2> читать по ролям

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "roleplay" в других словарях:

  • roleplay — also role play, as a verb, by 1961; see from ROLE (Cf. role) + PLAY (Cf. play) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • RolePlay — Interprétation du rôle L interprétation du rôle est le fait, dans un jeu de rôle, de parler et faire des mimiques comme si l on était soi même le personnage (voir la notion de mimesis). On utilise fréquemment l anglicisme roleplay. Le concept se… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roleplay — Interprétation du rôle L interprétation du rôle est le fait, dans un jeu de rôle, de parler et faire des mimiques comme si l on était soi même le personnage (voir la notion de mimesis). On utilise fréquemment l anglicisme roleplay. Le concept se… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roleplay simulation — is a learning method that depends on roleplaying. Learners take on the role profiles of specific characters or organisations in a contrived setting. Roleplay is designed primarily to build first person experience in a safe and supportive… …   Wikipedia

  • RolePlay (play) — Infobox Play name = RolePlay writer = Alan Ayckbourn characters = Justin Lazenby Julie Ann Jobson Paige Petite Micky Rale Derek Jobson Dee Jobson Arabella Lazenby setting = Justin Lazenby s flat, London Docklands, 2001 premiere = 4 September 2001 …   Wikipedia

  • roleplay — 1. verb To act out a fantasy, especially with a group 2. noun The practice of roleplaying Syn: RP …   Wiktionary

  • roleplay — verb perform on a stage or theater (Freq. 1) She acts in this play He acted in Julius Caesar I played in A Christmas Carol • Syn: ↑act, ↑play, ↑playact • De …   Useful english dictionary

  • Roleplay-Convention — Die Role Play Convention (kurz: RPC) ist eine jährlich stattfindende Messe in Köln zu Spielen mit phantastischen Thematiken. Veranstalter ist die Enjoy Event Marketing GmbH. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Besonderheiten und Programm …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Animal roleplay — may be either a non sexual or an erotic sexual role play (when it may also be called petplay, ponyplay, ponyism, kittenplay, or pup play). In its erotic sexual role play form, one or more of the participants takes on the role of a real or… …   Wikipedia

  • Human animal roleplay — (also called petplay, ponyplay, ponyism or pup play) is a form of erotic sexual role play where one or more of the participants takes on the role of a real or imaginary animal in character, including appropriate mannerisms and behavior, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay — Infobox RPG title= Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay caption= Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition cover designer= Richard Halliwell, Rick Priestley, Graeme Davis, Jim Bambra, Phil Gallagher publisher= Fantasy Flight Games date=1986 (1st edition) 2005 …   Wikipedia

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