- robotize
- [ʹrəʋbətaız] v
1. автоматизировать, механизировать2. роботизировать, превращать (человека) в робота
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
robotize — (Amer.) rəʊbÉ‘taɪz / bÉ’t v. turn something into a robot; automate or mechanize something; adapt the use of robots (also robotise) … English contemporary dictionary
robotize — [rō′bə tīz΄] vt. robotized, robotizing 1. to make automatic 2. to cause (a person) to become or act like a robot robotization n … English World dictionary
robotize — robotization, n. /roh beuh tuyz , bot uyz /, v., robotized, robotizing v.t. 1. to turn (someone) into a robot. 2. to convert for automated operation or production by robots or robotlike machines: to robotize an assembly line. v.i. 3. to adapt or… … Universalium
robotize — robot ► NOUN ▪ a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. DERIVATIVES robotize (also robotise) verb. ORIGIN from Czech robota forced labour ; the term was coined in K.… … English terms dictionary
robotize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1927 1. to make automatic ; equip with robots 2. to turn (a human being) into a robot … New Collegiate Dictionary
robotize — verb a) To give something (or someone) the characteristics of a robot. b) To automate … Wiktionary
robotize — ro·bot·ize … English syllables
robotize — ro•bot•ize [[t]ˈroʊ bəˌtaɪz, bɒtˌaɪz[/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing 1) to turn into a robot 2) cvb automate 1), automate 2) • Etymology: 1925–30 ro bot•i•za′tion n … From formal English to slang
robotize — ˈ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˌīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) 1. : to make automatic chemical process plants so highly robotized that their complex operations are controlled by one or two operators at a push button panel Gerard Piel 2. : to turn (a human being)… … Useful english dictionary
robotized — robotize (Amer.) rəʊbÉ‘taɪz / bÉ’t v. turn something into a robot; automate or mechanize something; adapt the use of robots (also robotise) … English contemporary dictionary
robotizes — robotize (Amer.) rəʊbÉ‘taɪz / bÉ’t v. turn something into a robot; automate or mechanize something; adapt the use of robots (also robotise) … English contemporary dictionary