- robber baron
- [͵rɒbəʹbærən]
1. ист. феодал-разбойник (грабивший проезжающих через его владения, бравший заложников и т. п.)2. pl амер. бароны-разбойники (американские капиталисты XIX в.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
robber baron — robber barons N COUNT If you refer to someone as a robber baron, you mean that they have made a very large amount of money and have been prepared to act illegally or in an immoral way in order to do so. ...the vast wealth accumulated by America s … English dictionary
robber baron — n a powerful person who uses their money and influence to get more money, business, land etc in a way that is slightly dishonest … Dictionary of contemporary English
robber baron — n. 1. a nobleman of feudal times who robbed people traveling through his domain ☆ 2. any of a number of U.S. capitalists of the late 19th cent. who acquired vast wealth by exploitation and ruthlessness … English World dictionary
Robber baron — The term robber baron ( de. Raubritter) dates back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, originally referring to certain feudal lords of land through which the Rhine River in Europe flowed. They abused their positions by stopping passing… … Wikipedia
robber baron — noun 1. : a medieval lord subsisting by robbing, holding for ransom, or exorbitantly taxing travelers through his domain 2. : an American capitalist of the latter part of the 19th century grown wealthy through exploitation of natural resources,… … Useful english dictionary
robber baron — noun a) In Europe, an aristocrat who charged exorbitant fees or otherwise exacted money from people who journeyed across land or waterways which he controlled. Men who made it a custom to travel the trail to Dawson, likened him to a robber baron … Wiktionary
Robber Baron Music — infobox record label parent = Independent founded = 2006 founder = Jason Schwartz distributor = Robber Baron Music (US) genre = Indie, Acoustic, Hip Hop, Electronic country = US url = http://www.robberbaronmusic.com/Robber Baron Music is an… … Wikipedia
Robber baron (industrialist) — The term may now be used in relation to any businessman or banker who is perceived to have used questionable business practices or scams in order to become powerful or wealthy (placing them in power of everything having controlled most business… … Wikipedia
robber baron — noun Date: 1878 1. an American capitalist of the latter part of the 19th century who became wealthy through exploitation (as of natural resources, governmental influence, or low wage scales) 2. a business owner or executive who acquires wealth… … New Collegiate Dictionary
robber baron — 1. Hist. a noble who robbed travelers passing through his lands. 2. a ruthlessly powerful U.S. capitalist or industrialist of the late 19th century considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting legislators, or… … Universalium
robber baron — noun a ruthless and powerful businessman … English new terms dictionary