ripsnorter — something of exceptional strength, 1840, probably from RIP (Cf. rip) (v.) + SNORT (Cf. snort) (q.v.) … Etymology dictionary
ripsnorter — ☆ ripsnorter [rip′snôrt′ər ] n. Slang a person or thing that is strikingly active, forceful, exciting, wild, rambunctious, etc. ripsnorting adj … English World dictionary
ripsnorter — noun a) a violently energetic or noisily outspoken person; someone using slambang methods That venerable old ripsnorter defended the right of the clergy to drive fast horses Phil Stong b) something extreme; humdinger Yesterdays performance was a… … Wiktionary
ripsnorter — noun Date: 1840 something extraordinary ; humdinger < the finale was a ripsnorter > • ripsnorting adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
ripsnorter — /rip snawr teuhr/, n. Informal. 1. something or someone exceedingly strong or violent: a ripsnorter of a gale. 2. something or someone remarkably good or exciting. [1830 40, Amer.; RIP1 + SNORTER] * * * … Universalium
ripsnorter — rip•snort•er [[t]ˈrɪpˈsnɔr tər[/t]] n. inf something exceedingly strong, exciting, etc.: a ripsnorter of a storm[/ex] • Etymology: 1830–40, amer. rip′snort ing, adj … From formal English to slang
ripsnorter — Australian word to describe a good time or thing. The footy game on Friday was a ropsnorter … Dictionary of american slang
ripsnorter — Australian word to describe a good time or thing. The footy game on Friday was a ropsnorter … Dictionary of american slang
ripsnorter — noun (C) old fashioned something very exciting: The roller coasters there are real ripsnorters … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ripsnorter — /ˈrɪpsnɔtə/ (say ripsnawtuh) noun Colloquial a person or thing made remarkable by some outstanding characteristic, as great strength, excellence, liveliness, beauty, etc. {rip1 + snorter (def. 2) …
ripsnorter — n. colloq. an energetic, remarkable, or excellent person or thing. Derivatives: ripsnorting adj. ripsnortingly adv … Useful english dictionary