- rill
- 1. [rıl] n
1. ручеёк; родник, источник
rill erosion - с.-х. струйчатая эрозия
2. = rille2. [rıl] vrill pit - лунный кратер
1) течь ручейком, струиться2) образовывать ручеёк
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
rill erosion - с.-х. струйчатая эрозия
rill pit - лунный кратер
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Rill — (r[i^]l), n. [Cf. LG. rille a small channel or brook, a furrow, a chamfer, OE. rigol a small brook, F. rigole a trench or furrow for water, W. rhill a row, rhigol a little ditch. [root]11.] 1. A very small brook; a streamlet. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rill — Rill, v. i. To run a small stream. [R.] Prior. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rill — [ril] n. [< Du ril or LowG rille < * ridula, dim. of Gmc base seen in OE rith, small stream] a little brook; rivulet vi. to flow in or like a rill … English World dictionary
rill|et — «RIHL iht», noun. a little rill … Useful english dictionary
rill — small brook, rivulet, 1530s, from Du. ril, Low Ger. rille groove, furrow, running stream, probably from P.Gmc. *riðele (Cf. O.E. rið, riþe brook, stream, which survives only in obscure English dialects), a diminutive form from PIE root *reie to… … Etymology dictionary
rill — ► NOUN ▪ a small stream. ORIGIN probably Low German … English terms dictionary
Rill — 51.5999888888896.5399083333333 Koordinaten: 51° 36′ N, 6° 32′ O Die Siedlung Rill gehört zum Ortsteil Menzelen der Gemeinde Alpen im Kreis Wesel am unteren linken Niederrhein … Deutsch Wikipedia
rill — foot·rill; rill·et; rill; tou·rill; … English syllables
Rill — A rill is a narrow and shallow incision into soil resulting from erosion by overland flow that has been focused into a thin thread by soil surface roughness. Rilling, the process of rill formation, is common on agricultural land and unvegetated… … Wikipedia
rill — I. noun Etymology: Dutch ril or Low German rille; akin to Old English rīth rivulet Date: 1538 a very small brook II. intransitive verb Date: 1610 to flow like a rill III. noun or rille … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rill — Un rill est une incision étroite et superficielle du sol qui est provoquée par l érosion consécutive au ruissellement concentrée sur une petite portion de terrain. Ce phénomène est commun sur les terrains cultivées ou sans végétation. Après leur… … Wikipédia en Français