- rifle grenade
- [͵raı(ə)lgrıʹneıd] воен.
винтовочная граната
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Rifle grenade — A rifle grenade is a form of grenade that utilizes a rifle as a launch mechanism to increase the effective range of the grenade. The idea was first widely put into service during World War I and continues to this day. Many armies have replaced… … Wikipedia
rifle grenade — noun a grenade that is thrown from a launching device attached to the barrel of a rifle • Hypernyms: ↑grenade * * * noun : a grenade projected from a launching device attached to the muzzle of a rifle or carbine and requiring a special cartridge… … Useful english dictionary
Rifle Grenade General Service — The Rifle Grenade General Service (RGGS) was a rifle grenade in service with the British Army since 1996. [http://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?id=2002 07 22.70693.h They Work For You] ] The grenade is of the bullet trap type and is launched from … Wikipedia
rifle grenade launcher — šautuvinis granatsvaidis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šaulių ginklų (šautuvo, automato, automatinio šautuvo) įrenginys, skirtas šaudyti prieštankinėmis ir skeveldrinėmis šautuvinėmis granatomis naudojant šautuvo tuščiojo šovinio ar… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
rifle grenade — Mil. a grenade designed to be fired from a grenade launcher attached to the muzzle of a rifle or carbine. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
rifle grenade — /raɪfəl grəˈneɪd/ (say ruyfuhl gruh nayd) noun a hand grenade mounted on a round steel rod which is then fired from the barrel of a rifle …
Type 2 rifle grenade launcher — The Type 2 rifle grenade launcher was an attachment for the Japanese Type 38 and Type 99 rifles that allowed them to fire special hollow charge grenades. It was a copy of the German Schiessbecher grenade launcher. Two grenades were produced for… … Wikipedia
Grenade (disambiguation) — Grenade may refer to: *Hand grenade, a throwing weapon utilized by soldiers. It may also refer to: **Rifle grenade, a grenade that is fired from a rifle **Grenade launcher, a weapon dedicated to launching specially shaped grenades. *Hand Grenade … Wikipedia
Grenade a fusil — Grenade à fusil Garand M1 équipé d une grenade à fusil d exercice. Une grenade à fusil est une grenade spécialement conçue pour être tirée à partir d un fusil, dans le but de l envoyer à une distance plus élevée que n en est capable un lanceur h … Wikipédia en Français
Grenade launcher — A grenade launcher is a weapon that launches a grenade with more accuracy, higher velocity and to greater distances than a soldier could throw it by hand.Grenade launchers can either come in the form of standalone weapons (either single shot or… … Wikipedia
grenade — n. 1) to launch; lob, throw a grenade 2) a hand; percussion; rifle grenade 3) (misc.) to pull the pin on a grenade * * * [grɪ neɪd] lob percussion rifle grenade throw a grenade (misc.) to pull the pin on a grenade a hand to launch … Combinatory dictionary