- ridden
- [ʹrıdn] p. p. от ride II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
-ridden — [ rıdn ] suffix used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning full of something, usually something unpleasant or harmful: a crime ridden society a guilt ridden expression … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ridden — mid 14c., pp. of RIDE (Cf. ride) (q.v.). Sense evolution, via horses, from that which has been ridden upon, broken in (1520s) to, in compounds, oppressed, taken advantage of (1650s) … Etymology dictionary
ridden — past participle of RIDE(Cf. ↑rideable). ► ADJECTIVE (in combination ) ▪ full of or dominated by a particular thing: guilt ridden … English terms dictionary
ridden — [rid′ n] vi., vt. pp. of RIDE adj. dominated or obsessed (by the thing specified): used in compounds [fear ridden] … English World dictionary
Ridden — Rid den, p. p. of {Ride.} [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-ridden — a combining form meaning obsessed with, overwhelmed by (torment ridden) or full of, burdened with (debt ridden). [special use of RIDDEN] * * * ridden combining form Oppressed by the dominance or prevalence of a specified thing (eg hag ridden or… … Useful english dictionary
-ridden — a combining form indicating: 1. an infestation of a specified pest, as in flea ridden. 2. the overwhelming presence of an undesirable feeling, as in jealousy ridden, despair ridden. 3. the overwhelming presence of a burden, impost, etc., as in… …
ridden — adjective Date: 1653 1. harassed, oppressed, or obsessed by usually used in combination < guilt ridden > < debt ridden > 2. excessively full of or supplied with usually used in combination < slum ridden > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-ridden — a combining form meaning obsessed with, overwhelmed by (torment ridden) or full of, burdened with (debt ridden). [special use of RIDDEN] * * * … Universalium
ridden — rid|den1 the past participle of ride1 ridden rid|den 2 [ rıdn ] adjective never before noun ridden with having a lot of something unpleasant or harmful: a zone ridden with crime and violence … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
-ridden — [[t] rɪd(ə)n[/t]] COMB in ADJ GRADED ridden combines with nouns to form adjectives that describe something as having a lot of a particular undesirable thing or quality, or suffering very much because of it. ...the debt ridden economies of Latin… … English dictionary