- rhyming slang
- [ʹraımıŋʹslæŋ] лингв.
рифмованный сленг (напр., plates of meat = feet)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Rhyming slang — is a form of phrase construction in the English language and is especially prevalent in dialectal British English from the East End of London; hence the alternative name, Cockney rhyming slang. The construction involves replacing a common word… … Wikipedia
rhyming slang — ► NOUN ▪ a type of slang that replaces words with rhyming words or phrases, typically with the rhyming element omitted (e.g. butcher s, short for butcher s hook, meaning ‘look’) … English terms dictionary
rhyming slang — n [U] BrE a way of talking, used especially by ↑cockneys (=people from east London) , in which you use words or phrases that rhyme with the words you mean, instead of using the normal words. For example, plates of meat is rhyming slang for feet … Dictionary of contemporary English
rhyming slang — is a type of slang of cockney origin in which a word is replaced by words or phrases which rhyme with it, e.g. apples and pears (= stairs), plates of meat (= feet), and trouble and strife (= wife). The rhyming words are sometimes arbitrary (as in … Modern English usage
rhyming slang — n. a form of language play, esp. as used by cockneys, in which a phrase is substituted for a single word with which the last word of the phrase rhymes (Ex.: trouble and strife used for wife, apples and pears for stairs) … English World dictionary
rhyming slang — noun slang that replaces words with rhyming words or expressions and then typically omits the rhyming component Cockney rhyming slang • Hypernyms: ↑slang, ↑cant, ↑jargon, ↑lingo, ↑argot, ↑patois, ↑vernacular * * … Useful english dictionary
rhyming slang — Australian Slang technique of forming slang terms by using terms that rhyme with another, as in elephant s trunk , rhyming slang for drunk . Usually the rhyming slang term is two or more words which allows the rhyme word to be dropped and thus… … English dialects glossary
Rhyming slang — technique of forming slang terms by using terms that rhyme with another, as in elephant s trunk , rhyming slang for drunk . Usually the rhyming slang term is two or more words which allows the rhyme word to be dropped and thus make the connection … Dictionary of Australian slang
Rhyming slang — Le rhyming slang (argot à rimes) est une forme très spéciale d argot utilisée en anglais. Il est originaire de l est de Londres mais est compris dans la majorité du monde anglophone. Il consiste à remplacer un mot par un autre, avec lequel il… … Wikipédia en Français
rhyming slang — N UNCOUNT Rhyming slang is a spoken informal kind of language in which you do not use the normal word for something, but say a word or phrase that rhymes with it instead. In Cockney rhyming slang, for example, people say apples and pears to mean… … English dictionary
rhyming slang — Witty and often inventively reflecting contemporary persons and events, rhyming slang turns ‘use your head’ first into ‘your loaf of bread’, then truncates it to ‘your loaf, now an everyday idiom. News from the Afghan frontier prompted… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture