- rhizopod
- [ʹraızəʋpɒd] n (pl -da) зоол.
ризопод, корненожка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Rhizopod — Rhiz o*pod, n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the Rhizopoda. [1913 Webster] Note: The rhizopods belonging to the Radiolaria and Foraminifera have been of great geological importance, especially in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. Chalk is mostly made from … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rhizopod — [rī′zə päd΄] n. [ RHIZO + POD] any of a superclass (Rhizopoda) of one celled protozoans with pseudopodia, including the amoebas, foraminifera, and myxomycetes rhizopodan [rīzäp′ə dən] adj., n. rhizopodal [rīzäp′ədəl] adj. rhizopodous [rīzäp′ədəs] … English World dictionary
rhizopod — šakniakojai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Sarkodiniai pirmuonys (Rhizopoda), gyvenantys jūrose, gėluose vandenyse, dirvožemyje; kai kurie – parazitai. atitikmenys: lot. Rhizopoda angl. rhizopod vok. Wurzelfüβer, m rus.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
rhizopod — noun Etymology: New Latin Rhizopoda, from rhiz + poda pod Date: 1851 any of a superclass (Rhizopoda) of usually creeping protozoans (as an amoeba or a foraminifer) having lobate or rootlike pseudopodia … New Collegiate Dictionary
rhizopod — rhizopodan /ruy zop euh dn/, adj., n. /ruy zeuh pod /, n. any of numerous protozoa of the widespread subphylum (or superclass) Rhizopoda, characterized by a pseudopod and comprising most members of the phylum Sarcodina, including the amebas and… … Universalium
rhizopod — noun A member of the taxonomic superclass of Rhizopoda being a type of amoeboid single cell life with pseudopods not supported by regular array of microtubules … Wiktionary
rhizopod — rhi·zo·pod rī zə .päd n any protozoan of the subclass Rhizopoda … Medical dictionary
rhizopod — raɪzəʊpÉ‘d / pÉ’d n. single celled organism with a pseudopod used for motion or feeding (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
rhizopod — rhi·zo·pod … English syllables
rhizopod — rhi•zo•pod [[t]ˈraɪ zəˌpɒd[/t]] n. mcr any of numerous protozoans of the subphylum (or superclass) Rhizopoda, characterized by locomotion with a pseudopod: comprises most members of the phylum Sarcodina, including the amebas and foraminifers •… … From formal English to slang
rhizopod — /ˈraɪzəpɒd/ (say ruyzuhpod) noun any of the Rhizopoda, a class of protozoans having pseudopodia. {New Latin Rhizopoda, plural. See rhizo , pod} –rhizopodan /raɪˈzɒpədən/ (say ruy zopuhduhn), adjective, noun –rhizopodous, adjective …