- rheum
- [ru:m] n
1. мед. выделения слизистых оболочек2. насморк; катар3. арх. слёзы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Rheum — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Ruibarbo Hojas y peciolos de ruibarbo Clasificación científica … Wikipedia Español
Rheum — (r[udd]m), n. [OF. reume, rheume, F. rhume a cold,, L. rheuma rheum, from Gr. ???, fr. rei^n to flow, akin to E. stream. See {Stream}, n., and cf. {Hemorrhoids}.] (Med.) A serous or mucous discharge, especially one from the eves or nose. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rheum|y — «ROO mee», adjective, rheum|i|er, rheum|i|est. 1. full of rheum: »Nobody recognized the aging white haired man who walked about Moscow, staring with rheumy eyes at the broad streets and tall buildings (Time) … Useful english dictionary
Rheum — is a medical term for the natural watery discharge from the eyes, commonly known as sleepydust, eye boogers, or some derivative thereof, which forms a crust on the eyelids during sleep (contrast to mucopurulent discharge). It is formed by a… … Wikipedia
rheum — rheum·i·ly; rheum; … English syllables
Rheum — Rhe um (r[=e] [u^]m), n. [NL., from L. Rha the river Volga, on the banks of which it grows. See {Rhubarb}.] (Bot.) A genus of plants. See {Rhubarb}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rheum — (R. L., spr. Rhe um), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Polygoneae verae, 9. Kl. 2. Ordn. L.; Arten, sämmtlich in Asien: R. palmatum, mit sehr großen, handförmig in spitzige Lappen zertheilten Blättern, aufrechtem, 5–8 Fuß[113] hohem Stängel,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Rhēum — L. (Rhabarber), Gattung der Polygonazeen, ausdauernde Kräuter mit dickem, holzigem, häufig mehrköpfigem Rhizom, sehr großen, langgestielten, ganzrandigen, buchtig gezahnten oder handförmig gelappten, am Rand oft welligen Blättern, häutigen,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rheum — Rhēum, Pflanzengattg., s. Rhabarber … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
rheum — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. reume (13c.), ultimately from Gk. rheuma stream, current, a flowing, from rhein to flow, from PIE root *sreu to flow (Cf. Skt. sravati flows, srotah stream; Avestan thraotah stream, river, O.Pers. rauta … Etymology dictionary
rheum — [ro͞om] n. [ME reume < OFr < L rheuma < Gr, a flow, moist discharge, akin to rheein, to flow: see STREAM] 1. any watery discharge from the mucous membranes, as of the mouth, eyes, or nose 2. a cold; rhinitis rheumy adj. rheumier,… … English World dictionary