- revocation
- [͵revəʹkeıʃ(ə)n] n
1. юр. отмена, аннулирование; ревокация
revocation of an edict - отмена эдикта
2. арх. отозвание, ревокация
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
revocation of an edict - отмена эдикта
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
révocation — [ revɔkasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe; lat. revocatio « rappel » ♦ Action de révoquer (une chose). ⇒ abolition, abrogation, annulation, dédit, invalidation. Dr. Révocation d un testament. Révocation populaire : procédure permettant aux citoyens suisses de … Encyclopédie Universelle
revocation — rev·o·ca·tion /ˌre və kā shən/ n: an act or instance of revoking Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. revocation … Law dictionary
Revocation — • The act of recalling or annulling Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Revocation Revocation † … Catholic encyclopedia
Revocation — Rev o*ca tion, n. [L. revocatio: cf. F. r[ e]vocation.] 1. The act of calling back, or the state of being recalled; recall. [1913 Webster] One that saw the people bent for the revocation of Calvin, gave him notice of their affection. Hooker.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
revocation — Revocation. s. f. v. Action de revoquer. J ay revoqué mon Procureur, & j ay fait signifier la revocation à ma partie. revocation d un testament … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Revocation — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Technical Death Metal, Thrash Metal Gründung 2000 als Cryptic Warning Website … Deutsch Wikipedia
Revocation — Revocation, lat. dtsch., Abberufung, Widerruf; Abberufung des mit der Proceßführung Beauftragten von Seiten des Auftragegebers; Revocatorium, Abberufungsschreiben; revociren, abrufen, widerrufen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
revocation — (n.) early 15c., from L. revocationem (nom. revocatio) a calling back, recalling, noun of action from revocare (see REVOKE (Cf. revoke)) … Etymology dictionary
revocation — Revocation, Reuocatio … Thresor de la langue françoyse
revocation — [rev΄ə kā′shən] n. [ME < MFr < L revocatio < pp. of revocare] a revoking or being revoked; cancellation; repeal; annulment … English World dictionary
Revocation — For the band, see Revocation (band). Revocation is the act of recall or annulment. It is the reversal of an act, the recalling of a grant, or the making void of some deed previously existing. Contents 1 Contract law 2 Criminal law … Wikipedia