- baritone
- [ʹbærıtəʋn] n муз.
баритон (голос и муз. инструмент)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
baritone — [bar′ə tōn΄, ber′ə tōn΄] n. [It baritono < Gr barytonos, deep toned < barys, heavy, deep (see GRAVE1) + tonos, TONE] 1. the range of a male voice between tenor and bass 2. a) a voice or singer with such a range b) an i … English World dictionary
baritone — (n.) c.1600, from It. baritono, from Gk. barytonos deep toned, deep sounding, from barys heavy, deep, also, of sound, strong, deep, bass (see GRAVE (Cf. grave) (adj.)) + tonos tone (see TENET (Cf. tenet)). Technically, ranging from lower A in… … Etymology dictionary
baritone — ► NOUN 1) an adult male singing voice between tenor and bass. 2) (before another noun ) denoting an instrument that is second lowest in pitch in its family: a baritone sax. ORIGIN Greek barutonos, from barus heavy + tonos tone … English terms dictionary
Baritone — Bar i*tone, a. & n. See {Barytone}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baritone — This article is about the voice type. For other uses, see Baritone (disambiguation). Voice type Female voices Soprano Mezzo soprano Contralto Male voices Countertenor Tenor Baritone Bass Baritone (or barytone) is a type of male singing voice that … Wikipedia
baritone — baritonal, adj. /bar i tohn /, Music. n. 1. a male voice or voice part intermediate between tenor and bass. 2. a singer with such a voice. 3. a large, valved brass instrument shaped like a trumpet or coiled in oval form, used esp. in military… … Universalium
baritone — bar|i|tone1 [ˈbærıtəun US toun] n [Date: 1600 1700; : Italian; Origin: baritono, from Greek barytonos deep sounding , from barys heavy + tonos tone ] 1.) a male singing voice that is lower than a ↑tenor but higher than a ↑bass, or a man with a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
baritone — [[t]bæ̱rɪtoʊn[/t]] baritones 1) N COUNT In music, a baritone is a man with a fairly deep singing voice that is lower than that of a tenor but higher than that of a bass. ...the young American baritone Monte Pederson. 2) N SING: oft N n If a man… … English dictionary
baritone — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ pleasant, rich ▪ deep, low BARITONE + NOUN ▪ voice ▪ solo … Collocations dictionary
baritone — I. noun also barytone Etymology: French baryton or Italian baritono, from Greek barytonos deep sounding, from barys heavy + tonos tone more at grieve Date: 1609 1. a male singing voice of medium compass between bass and tenor; also a person… … New Collegiate Dictionary
baritone — UK [ˈbærɪˌtəʊn] / US [ˈberɪˌtoʊn] noun [countable] Word forms baritone : singular baritone plural baritones music a) a man with a singing voice that is fairly deep, in the range between a tenor and a bass b) a baritone singing voice … English dictionary