
1. [rıʹzʌlt] n
1) результат, исход; следствие

football results - результат /счёт/ встречи по футболу

without result - безрезультатно

as a result of - в результате

in the result - в конце концов

to obtain good results - добиться хороших результатов

to yield results - давать результаты

to give out the results (of a competition) - объявить результаты (соревнования)

the work led to no result - работа была безрезультатной /напрасной/

his limp is the result of a car accident - он хромает после того, как попал в дорожную аварию

2) мат. результат, итог; ответ
2. [rıʹzʌlt] v
1. (from) следовать, происходить в результате (чего-л.); проистекать

obligations that result from the clause - обязательства, которые вытекают из данной статьи

nothing has resulted from my efforts - из моих стараний ничего не вышло

the goal resulted from a misunderstanding between two defenders - мяч был пропущен из-за того, что два защитника не поняли друг друга

2. (in) кончаться (чем-л.), иметь (своим) результатом (что-л.)

to result in a win [in a goalless draw] - спорт. закончиться победой [с нулевым счётом]

heavy rains resulted in floods - сильные дожди привели к наводнению

the talks have resulted in a lessening of tension - переговоры привели к смягчению напряжённости

3. юр. редк. переходить к прежнему собственнику

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "result" в других словарях:

  • Result — Single par Nami Tamaki extrait de l’album Speciality Face A Result Face B Making the pride Sortie 3 mai 2006 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • result — I noun aftermath, conclusion, consequence, consequentia, decision, denouement, determination, development, effect, end, eventuality, exitus, finding, fructus, fruit, fruition, harvest, judgment, outcome, outgrowth, output, product, resolution,… …   Law dictionary

  • Result — Re*sult , n. 1. A flying back; resilience. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Sound is produced between the string and the air by the return or the result of the string. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • result — ► NOUN 1) a consequence, effect, or outcome. 2) an item of information or a quantity or formula obtained by experiment or calculation. 3) a final score, mark, or placing in a sporting event or examination. 4) a satisfactory or favourable outcome …   English terms dictionary

  • Result — Re*sult , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Resulted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Resulting}.] [F. r[ e]sulter, fr. L. resultare, resultarum, to spring or leap back, v. intens. fr. resilire. See {Resile}.] 1. To leap back; to rebound. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The huge… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • result — UK US /rɪˈzʌlt/ noun [C] ● results Cf. results ● as a result of sth Cf. as a result of sth …   Financial and business terms

  • result — • They tried hard to get a result but rain stopped play and the game ended in a draw television news broadcast, 1993. The use of the noun to mean not just an outcome but a favourable outcome, familiar now in the language of sports commentators,… …   Modern English usage

  • result — [n] effect brought about by something aftereffect, aftermath, arrangement, backwash*, by product, close, completion, conclusion, consequence, consummation, corollary, creature, crop, decision, denouement, determination, development, emanation,… …   New thesaurus

  • result in — index produce (manufacture) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • result — consequence, *effect, upshot, aftereffect, aftermath, sequel, issue, outcome, event Analogous words: concluding or conclusion, ending or end, closing or close, termination (see corresponding verbs at CLOSE): *product, production Contrasted words …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • result — [ri zult′] vi. [ME resulten < ML resultare < L, to spring back, rebound, freq. of resilire, to leap back: see RESILE] 1. to happen or issue as a consequence or effect: often with from [floods resulting from heavy rains] 2. to end as a… …   English World dictionary

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