restriction enzyme
Смотреть что такое "restriction enzyme" в других словарях:
restriction enzyme — or restriction endonuclease [en΄dō no͞o′klē ās΄, en΄dōnyo͞o′klē ās΄] n. any of various enzymes that chemically break DNA into strands at specific locations … English World dictionary
Restriction enzyme — Glossary Restriction … Wikipedia
Restriction enzyme — An enzyme from bacteria that can recognize specific base sequences in DNA and cut the DNA at that site (the restriction site). A restriction enzyme acts as a biochemical scissors. Also called a restriction endonuclease. A restriction enzyme is a… … Medical dictionary
restriction enzyme — Biochem. any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of DNA molecules at specific sites: used for gene splicing in recombinant DNA technology and for chromosome mapping. [1960 65] * * * Protein (more specifically, an endonuclease)… … Universalium
restriction enzyme — restriction endonuclease an enzyme, obtained from bacteria, that cuts DNA into specific short segments. Restriction enzymes are widely used in genetic engineering … The new mediacal dictionary
Restriction enzyme mediated integration — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Rémi. La technique REMI (Restriction Enzyme Mediated Integration) est une technique permettant d identifier les mutations issues d une mutagenèse effectuée grâce à un plasmide contenant un gène de résistance et… … Wikipédia en Français
restriction enzyme — noun any of the enzymes that cut nucleic acid at specific restriction sites and produce restriction fragments; obtained from bacteria (where they cripple viral invaders); used in recombinant DNA technology • Syn: ↑restriction endonuclease,… … Useful english dictionary
restriction enzyme — (also restriction endonuclease) noun Biochemistry an enzyme with the property of cleaving DNA molecules at or near a specific sequence of bases … English new terms dictionary
restriction enzyme — noun Date: 1965 any of various enzymes that cleave DNA into fragments at specific sites in the interior of the molecule called also restriction endonuclease … New Collegiate Dictionary
restriction enzyme — See restriction endonuclease … Dictionary of molecular biology
restriction enzyme — Synonym of restriction endonuclease … Glossary of Biotechnology