
[ʹrezıdju:] n
1. остаток

residues of combustion - тех. остатки сгорания

2. спец. осадок; отстой, шлам, хвосты
3. мат. вычет, остаток
4. хим. группа, радикал
5. юр. наследство, очищенное от долгов и завещательных отказов

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "residue" в других словарях:

  • residue — res·i·due / re zə ˌdü, ˌdyü/ n: something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated; specif: the part of a testator s estate remaining after the satisfaction of all debts, charges, taxes, and legacies other than residuary… …   Law dictionary

  • Residue — may refer to: * Residue (chemistry), material remaining after a distillation or an evaporation, or portion of a larger molecule * Residue (law), portion of the testator s estate that is not specifically devised to someone in the will * Residue… …   Wikipedia

  • Residue — Res i*due (r?z ? d?), n. [F. r[ e]sidu, L. residuum, fr. residuus that is left behind, remaining, fr. residere to remain behind. See {Reside}, and cf. {Residuum}.] 1. That which remains after a part is taken, separated, removed, or designated;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • residue — mid 14c., from O.Fr. residu, from L. residuum a remainder, neut. of residuus remaining, left over, from residere remain behind (see RESIDENCE (Cf. residence)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • residue — residuum, remains, leavings, *remainder, rest, balance, remnant …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • residue — Mail for small post offices that have no direct separation space in a case or rack …   Glossary of postal terms

  • residue — [n] leftover part balance, debris, dregs, dross, excess, extra, garbage, heel, junk, leavings, leftovers, orts, parings, remainder, remains, remnant, residual, residuum, rest, scourings, scraps, scum, sewage, shavings, silt, slag, surplus, trash; …   New thesaurus

  • residue — ► NOUN 1) a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used. 2) Law the part of an estate that is left after the payment of charges, debts, and bequests. 3) a substance that remains after a process such… …   English terms dictionary

  • residue — [rez′ə do͞o΄, rez′ədyo͞o΄] n. [ME < MFr residu < L residuum, neut. of residuus, remaining < residere: see RESIDE] 1. that which is left over after part is taken away; remainder; rest 2. Chem. the matter remaining at the end of a process …   English World dictionary

  • residue — res|i|due [ˈrezıdju: US du:] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: residu, from Latin residuum, from residere; RESIDE] 1.) [U and C] a substance that remains on a surface, in a container etc and cannot be removed easily, or that remains after …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • residue — UK [ˈrezɪdjuː] / US [ˈrezɪdu] noun [countable] Word forms residue : singular residue plural residues a) the part of something that remains after the rest has gone or ended pesticide residues in food He left the residue of his estate to a nephew.… …   English dictionary

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