- research satellite
- [rıʹsɜ:tʃʹsætılaıt]
исследовательский спутник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite — UARS Caractéristiques Organisation NASA … Wikipédia en Français
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite — Typ: Erdbeobachtungssatellit Land: USA Behörde: N … Deutsch Wikipedia
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite — UARS UARS Organización NASA Contratos principales Lockheed Martin Satélite de … Wikipedia Español
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite — The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) is an orbital observatory whose mission is to study the Earth’s atmosphere, particularly the protective ozone layer.The 5900 kg (13,000 lb) satellite was launched during Space Shuttle mission STS 48… … Wikipedia
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite — UARS Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS Верхнеатмосферный исследовательский спутник) американский научный спутник массой 6,5 тонны, предназначенный для изучения верхних слоёв атмосферы, запущенный в 1991 и выведенный из… … Википедия
satellite — Synonyms and related words: ATDA, ATS, Alouette, Anna, Apollo, Ariel, Atlas Score, Biosatellite, Comsat, Cosmos, Courier, Diapason, Discoverer, ERS, Early Bird, Echo, Elektron, Explorer, GATV, Gemini, Injun, Intelsat, Lofti, Luna, Lunar Orbiter,… … Moby Thesaurus
satellite — n 1. moon. 2. spacecraft, space capsule, unmanned satellite, communications satellite, weather satellite, orbiting observatory, research satellite, relay satellite. 3. follower, disciple, apostle, sectarian, sectary, proselyte, acolyte, votary;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Satellite temperature measurements — have been obtained from the troposphere since 1978. By comparison, the usable balloon (radiosonde) record begins in 1958.Satellites do not measure temperature as such. They measure radiances in various wavelength bands, which must then be… … Wikipedia
Satellite formation flying — is the concept that multiple satellites can work together in a group to accomplish the objective of one larger, usually more expensive, satellite. [ [http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect16/Sect16 11.html Remote Sensing tutorial] ] Coordinating smaller… … Wikipedia
Research In Motion Ltd. — Research In Motion Pour les articles homonymes, voir RIM. Logo de Research In Motion … Wikipédia en Français
Research in Motion — Pour les articles homonymes, voir RIM. Logo de Research In Motion … Wikipédia en Français