- reorient reorientate
reorient, reorientate
1> давать новую ориентацию
2> переориентироваться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
reorientate — reorient ► VERB 1) change the focus or direction of. 2) (reorient oneself) find one s bearings again. DERIVATIVES reorientate verb reorientation noun … English terms dictionary
reorient — ► VERB 1) change the focus or direction of. 2) (reorient oneself) find one s bearings again. DERIVATIVES reorientate verb reorientation noun … English terms dictionary
reorient — 1933 (trans.), 1937 (intrans.), from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + ORIENT (Cf. orient) (v.). Reorientate is recorded from 1933; reorientation is from 1920 … Etymology dictionary
reorient — [ri: ɔ:rɪɛnt, ɒr ] verb 1》 change the focus or direction of. 2》 (reorient oneself) find one s bearings again. Derivatives reorientate verb reorientation noun … English new terms dictionary
reorientate — /riˈɒriənteɪt/ (say ree oreeuhntayt), / ˈɔri / (say awree ) verb (t) (reorientated, reorientating) to orientate afresh or anew. Also, reorient. –reorientation /riˌɒriənˈteɪʃən/ (say ree.oreeuhn tayshuhn), / ˌɔri / (say .awree ), noun …
reorientate — v.tr. = REORIENT. Derivatives: reorientation n … Useful english dictionary
reorientation — reorient ► VERB 1) change the focus or direction of. 2) (reorient oneself) find one s bearings again. DERIVATIVES reorientate verb reorientation noun … English terms dictionary