
1. [ʹri:maʋnt] n
1) запасная лошадь

remount depot /stable/ - конюшни с запасными лошадьми

2) воен. ремонтная лошадь; ремонтные лошади, конский ремонт, конское пополнение
3) с.-х. пополнение, ремонт стада
2. [͵ri:ʹmaʋnt] v
1. 1) помочь снова сесть (на лошадь, велосипед и т. п.)
2) снова сесть (на лошадь, велосипед и т. п.)
2. снова устанавливать или монтировать
3. снова подниматься, восходить

to remount a ladder - снова влезть на лестницу

to remount a peak - совершить вторичное восхождение на пик

4. восходить (к более раннему периоду)

a practice which remounts to antiquity - обычай, который восходит к древности

5. 1) воен. ремонтировать кавалерию
2) с.-х. пополнять, ремонтировать стадо
6. 1) вставлять в новую раму (картину)
2) фото снова наклеивать фотографию на паспарту

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "remount" в других словарях:

  • Remount — Re*mount , n. The opportunity of, or things necessary for, remounting; specifically, a fresh horse, with his equipments; as, to give one a remount. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Remount — Re*mount (r? mount ), v. t. & i. To mount again. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remount — [rē mount′; ] also, and for n. usually, [rē′mount΄] vt., vi. [ME remounten < OFr remonter] to mount again n. a fresh horse, or a supply of fresh horses, to replace another or others …   English World dictionary

  • remount — [[t]ri͟ːma͟ʊnt[/t]] remounts, remounting, remounted VERB When you remount a bicycle or horse, you get back on it after you have got off it or fallen off it. [V n] He was told to remount his horse and to accompany the officers back to Lexington …   English dictionary

  • remount — UK [riːˈmaʊnt] / UK [ˈriːˌmaʊnt] / US [rɪˈmaʊnt] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms remount : present tense I/you/we/they remount he/she/it remounts present participle remounting past tense remounted past participle remounted to get back… …   English dictionary

  • remount — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, partly from re + mounten to mount, partly from Anglo French remunter, from re + munter to mount Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. to mount (something) again < remount a picture > 2. to furnish remounts to …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • remount — 1. verb /ɹiːˈmaʊnt/ a) To go up again; to rise another time. They remounted together to their sitting room while Sir Claude, who said he would join them later, remained below to smoke and to converse with the old acquaintances that he met… …   Wiktionary

  • remount — verb (i) /riˈmaʊnt/ (say ree mownt) 1. to mount again; re ascend. –verb (t) /riˈmaʊnt/ (say ree mownt) 2. to mount (a horse, etc.) again. –noun /ˈrimaʊnt/ (say reemownt) 3. a fresh horse, or a supply of fresh horses: *Horses all dead beat; couldn …  

  • remount — v. /ree mownt /; n. /ree mownt , ree mownt /, v.t., v.i. 1. to mount again; reascend. n. 2. a fresh horse or supply of fresh horses. [1325 75; ME remounten < OF remonter. See RE , MOUNT1] * * * …   Universalium

  • remount — re|mount [ˌri:ˈmaunt] v [I and T] to get onto a horse, bicycle etc again …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • remount — re|mount [ ri maunt ] verb intransitive or transitive to get back on a horse or bicycle after you have gotten off or fallen off …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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