
[rıʹmeın] v
1. оставаться

if you take 3 from 8, 5 remains - (если) от 8 отнять 3, получится 5

very little remained of the house - от дома почти ничего не осталось

let it remain as it is - пусть всё останется как есть

nothing remains for me but ... - мне ничего не остаётся, как ...; мне только и остаётся, что ...

it remains to be seen - ещё неизвестно; ≅ поживём - увидим

it remains for me to add - мне остаётся /надо/ лишь добавить

2. пребывать, оставаться

to remain at home - остаться дома

to remain behind - остаться, не поехать

to remain on cruise - мор. оставаться в плавании

to remain at duty - воен. оставаться в строю

he remained in town for two days - он остался в городе на два дня

3. сохраняться; оставаться в каком-л. состоянии

to remain silent - хранить молчание

to remain liquid - не застывать, оставаться в жидком состоянии

to remain faithful to smb. - быть /оставаться/ верным кому-л.

to remain uncovered - стоять без шляпы /с непокрытой головой/

to remain in force for fifty years - оставаться в силе /сохранять силу/ в течение пятидесяти лет

the weather remains fine - стоит хорошая погода

one thing remains certain - одно остаётся безусловным

the fact remains that nothing can be done - факт остаётся фактом - сделать ничего нельзя

man remained a hunter for thousands of years - в течение тысячелетий человек оставался охотником

I remain, yours truly - остаюсь преданный вам (в конце письма)

I remain, your obedient servant - ваш покорный слуга (в конце письма)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "remain" в других словарях:

  • Remain — Re*main (r? m?n ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Remained} ( m?nd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Remaining}.] [OF. remaindre, remanoir, L. remanere; pref. re re + manere to stay, remain. See {Mansion}, and cf. {Remainder}, {Remnant}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To stay… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Remain — Re*main n. 1. State of remaining; stay. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Which often, since my here remain in England, I ve seen him do. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is left; relic; remainder; chiefly in the plural. The remains of old Rome. Addison.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remain — I (continue) verb adhere, be constant, be permanent, be steadfast, be tenacious, carry on, continue, endure, exist, extend, go on, hang on, hold out, keep, keep going, keep on, last, linger, maintain, outlast, outlive, perdure, perpetuate,… …   Law dictionary

  • remain — [ri mān′] vi. [ME remainen < OFr remaindre < L remanere < re , back, behind + manere, to stay: see MANOR] 1. to be left or left over when the rest has been taken away, destroyed, or disposed of in some way 2. a) to stay while others go… …   English World dictionary

  • remain — [v] stay, wait abide, be left, bide, bivouac, bunk*, cling, continue, delay, dwell, endure, freeze, go on, halt, hang, hang out, hold over, hold the fort*, hover, inhabit, keep on, last, linger, live, lodge, make camp, nest, outlast, outlive,… …   New thesaurus

  • Remain — Re*main , v. t. To await; to be left to. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] The easier conquest now remains thee. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remain — *stay, wait, abide, tarry, linger Antonyms: depart …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • remain — ► VERB 1) be in the same place or condition during further time. 2) continue to be: he remained alert. 3) be left over after others or other parts have been completed, used, or dealt with. ORIGIN Latin remanere, from manere to stay …   English terms dictionary

  • remain — 01. All that [remained] after Larry left the room was the smell of his cigar. 02. People with HIV can [remain] in good health for years. 03. The Prime Minister is expected to [remain] in office until the end of the year, at which time he will… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • remain — re|main W1S1 [rıˈmeın] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: remaindre, from Latin remanere, from manere to stay ] 1.) [I always + adverb/preposition, linking verb] to continue to be in the same state or condition ▪ Please remain seated until …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • remain — {{11}}remain (n.) those left over or surviving, late 15c., from REMAIN (Cf. remain) (v.). But the more usual noun form in English has been REMAINDER (Cf. remainder) except in remains, euphemism for corpse, attested from c.1700, from mortal… …   Etymology dictionary

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