Relatively — Rel a*tive*ly, adv. In a relative manner; in relation or respect to something else; not absolutely. [1913 Webster] Consider the absolute affections of any being as it is in itself, before you consider it relatively. I. Watts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
relatively — like comparatively, is widely used as a ‘downtoning’ adverb meaning ‘fairly, somewhat’, without any real notion of relativity or comparison: • The natural question to pursue is whether the Chinese state has been able to maintain control in this… … Modern English usage
relatively — [rel′ə tivlē] adv. in a relative manner; in relation to or compared with something else; not absolutely [a relatively minor matter] … English World dictionary
relatively — in relation to something else, 1560s, from RELATIVE (Cf. relative) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
relatively — [adv] in or by comparison almost, approximately, comparably, comparatively, nearly, proportionately, rather, somewhat, to some extent; concepts 544,772 … New thesaurus
relatively — ► ADVERB 1) in relation, comparison, or proportion to something else. 2) viewed in comparison with something else rather than absolutely; quite … English terms dictionary
relatively — relative rel‧a‧tive [ˈrelətɪv] adjective having a particular value or quality when compared with similar things: • the relative strength of the dollar • IBM was a relative latecomer to the laptop market. relatively adverb : • The system is… … Financial and business terms
relatively — rel|a|tive|ly W2S2 [ˈrelətıvli] adv 1.) something that is relatively small, easy etc is fairly small, easy etc compared to other things ▪ The system is relatively easy to use. ▪ E commerce is a relatively recent phenomenon. 2.) relatively… … Dictionary of contemporary English
relatively — rel|a|tive|ly [ relətıvli ] adverb *** in comparison with a similar thing, person, group, etc.: Relatively few women become airline pilots. a relatively small basement apartment relatively speaking used for saying that something is true when you… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
relatively — adverb 1 relatively easy/few/cheap fairly easy etc compared with other things: The drug has relatively few known side effects. 2 relatively speaking used when comparing something with all similar things: Relatively speaking, it s not important … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
relatively — [[t]re̱lətɪvli[/t]] ♦♦♦ ADV: ADV adj/adv Relatively means to a certain degree, especially when compared with other things of the same kind. The sums needed are relatively small... I like to think I m relatively easy to get along with. Syn:… … English dictionary