- regality
- [rıʹgælıtı] n
1. королевский суверенитет2. обыкн. pl королевские права и привилегии3. редк. королевство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Regality — Re*gal i*ty (r?*g?l ?*t?), n. [LL. regalitas, from L. regalis regal, royal. See {Regal}, and cf. {Royality}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Royalty; sovereignty; sovereign jurisdiction. [1913 Webster] [Passion] robs reason of her due regalitie. Spenser.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
regality — ► NOUN (pl. regalities) 1) the state of being a monarch. 2) regal manner or bearing. 3) historical (in Scotland) territorial jurisdiction granted by the king to a powerful subject … English terms dictionary
regality — [ri gal′ə tē] n. pl. regalities [ME regalite < ML regalitas: see REGAL & ITY] 1. kingship; royalty; sovereignty 2. a right or privilege belonging to a monarch … English World dictionary
regality — noun see regal … New Collegiate Dictionary
regality — /ri gal i tee/, n., pl. regalities. 1. royalty, sovereignty, or kingship. 2. a right or privilege pertaining to a sovereign. 3. a kingdom. 4. (in Scotland) a. territorial jurisdiction of a royal nature formerly conferred by the sovereign. b. a… … Universalium
regality — noun Royalty; sovereignty; sovereign jurisdiction … Wiktionary
regality — rɪ gælÉ™tɪ n. kingdom, sovereignty, royalty; rights and jurisdiction of a king … English contemporary dictionary
regality — noun (plural regalities) 1》 the state of being a monarch. 2》 historical (in Scotland) territorial jurisdiction granted by the king to a powerful subject. 3》 archaic a royal privilege … English new terms dictionary
regality — n. Royalty, sovereignty, kingship … New dictionary of synonyms
regality — re·gal·i·ty … English syllables
regality — re•gal•i•ty [[t]rɪˈgæl ɪ ti[/t]] n. pl. ties 1) gov royalty, sovereignty, or kingship 2) gov a right or privilege pertaining to a sovereign 3) gov a kingdom • Etymology: 1375–1425; late ME regalite < MF < ML rēgālitās. See regal, ity … From formal English to slang