
1. [rıʹgeın] n
1. восстановление

a regain of position - восстановление положения

2. возвращённая сумма

expenses and regain - расходы и возвращённые суммы

2. [rıʹgeın] v
1. 1) получить обратно; вновь приобрести или обрести; восстановить

to regain consciousness - очнуться, прийти в себя

to regain one's feet /one's footing/ - встать /снова подняться/ на ноги

to regain one's freedom - вернуть /вновь обрести/ свободу

to regain one's health - поправиться, снова стать здоровым

the town was regaining its normal appearance - город снова приобретал свой обычный вид

2) (from) отвоевать (что-л.)

the island was regained from the French in the eighteenth century - остров был отвоёван у Франции в восемнадцатом веке

2. 1) снова достичь (чего-л.)

to regain contact - воен. восстановить соприкосновение

2) догнать (кого-л.); вновь присоединиться (к кому-л.)

he regained his company - он догнал своих

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "regain" в других словарях:

  • regain — [ rəgɛ̃ ] n. m. • regaïnXIIe; de re et a. fr. gaïn; lat. pop. °waidimen, frq. °waida « prairie »; cf. gagner 1 ♦ Herbe qui repousse dans une prairie après la première coupe. Faucher le regain d un pré. ⇒ recoupe. « les prairies où sèchent les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • regain — re‧gain [rɪˈgeɪn] verb regain (lost) ground to start to be more successful again after a difficult period of time: • The dollar regained some of its lost ground today. • He stressed that the company was confident of regaining lost ground thanks… …   Financial and business terms

  • regain — Regain. s. m. La seconde herbe qui vient dans les prez bas quand ils ont esté fauchez. Ce n est pas de bon foin, ce n est que du regain …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Regain — Re*gain (r?*g?n ), v. t. [Pref. re + gain: cf. F. regagner.] To gain anew; to get again; to recover, as what has escaped or been lost; to reach again. [1913 Webster] Syn: To recover; reobtain; repossess; retrieve. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • regain — index collect (recover money), reclaim, recover, redeem (repurchase), repossess Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • regain — (v.) 1540s, from M.Fr. regaigner, from re again (see RE (Cf. re )) + gaginer, from O.Fr. gaaignier (see GAIN (Cf. gain) (v.)). Related: Regained; regaining …   Etymology dictionary

  • regain — *recover, recruit, recoup, retrieve Analogous words: gain, *reach, compass, attain, achieve: redeem, reclaim, save (see RESCUE): restore, *renew …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • regain — [v] get back, get back to achieve, attain, compass, gain, get out from under, get well, make well, reach, reach again, reacquire, reattain, recapture, reclaim, recoup, recover, recruit, redeem, repossess, retake, retrieve, return to, save, take… …   New thesaurus

  • regain — Regain, m. acut. Est composé de ces deux entiers Re, et gaing, et signifie l herbe qui recroist au pré apres qu il a esté fauché, qu on appelle la seconde herbe, Foenum repullulans, renatum, Comme si on disoit, Secundum lucrum, Et à cela d… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • regain — ► VERB 1) obtain possession or use of (something lost) again. 2) get back to …   English terms dictionary

  • regain — [ri gān′] vt. [MFr regaigner: see RE & GAIN1] 1. to get back into one s possession; recover 2. to succeed in reaching again; get back to SYN. RECOVER …   English World dictionary

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