
[rıʹfaın] v
1. 1) очищать; рафинировать

to refine oil - а) рафинировать масло; б) очищать нефть

to refine cast-iron - рафинировать чугун

2) очищаться, рафинироваться
2. 1) облагораживать; делать более утончённым, изящным; совершенствовать, улучшать

to refine a language - очищать /облагораживать/ язык

an education that refined his taste - образование, которое воспитало в нём хороший вкус

2) делаться более утончённым, изящным; совершенствоваться, улучшаться

his taste has refined - его вкус развился /сделался более тонким/

to refine a composition - дорабатывать /отделывать/ сочинение

3. (on, upon)
1) вдаваться в тонкости; тонко рассуждать (о чём-л.)

to refine upon a question - вдаваться во все тонкости вопроса

2) ловко, искусно оперировать (словами и т. п.)

politicians who refine upon words - политиканы, ловко оперирующие словами

4. (on, upon) вносить улучшения (во что-л.); совершенствовать (что-л.)

to refine upon another's invention - усовершенствовать /доработать/ чужое изобретение

to refine on a theory - уточнить теорию

to refine upon one's methods - доработать методику

eighteenth century poets thought they could refine upon /on/ their predecessors - поэты восемнадцатого века думали, что они могут превзойти своих предшественников

5. отсеять, удалить, изгнать (что-л. ненужное или вредное: примесь и т. п.; обыкн. refine away, refine out)

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Смотреть что такое "refine" в других словарях:

  • Refine — Re*fine (r?*f?n ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Refined} ( find ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Refining}.] [Pref. re + fine to make fine: cf. F. raffiner.] 1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • refine\ on — • refine on • refine upon v 1. To make better; improve. Mary was asked to refine on her first outline to make it clearer and more exact. 2. To be better than; surpass. Modern medical techniques refine on those of the past …   Словарь американских идиом

  • refine — [ri fīn′] vt. refined, refining [ RE + FINE1, v., based on Fr raffiner, to purify] 1. to make fine or pure; free from impurities, dross, alloy, sediment, etc.; purify; clarify 2. to free from imperfection, coarseness, crudeness, etc.; make more… …   English World dictionary

  • refine — [v1] purify clarify, cleanse, distill, filter, process, rarefy, strain; concept 165 Ant. corrupt, dirty, pollute refine [v2] perfect, polish better, civilize, clarify, cultivate, elevate, explain, hone, improve, make clear, round, sleek, slick,… …   New thesaurus

  • Refine — Re*fine , v. i. 1. To become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter. [1913 Webster] So the pure, limpid stream, when foul with stains, Works itself clear, and, as it runs, refines. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • refine — I verb advance, amend, better, clarify, cleanse, clear, correct, cultivate, develop, edit, elaborate, elevate, emend, enhance, filter, filtrate, improve, improve upon, make improvements, meliorate, modify, perfect, polish, purify, rectify,… …   Law dictionary

  • refine — UK US /rɪˈfaɪn/ verb [T] ► PRODUCTION to improve something or to make it pure, especially by removing material that is not wanted: »Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it. ► to improve an idea, a method, a system, etc. by making small… …   Financial and business terms

  • refine — (v.) 1580s, of metals, c.1590 of manners, from RE (Cf. re ), intensive prefix, + obsolete fine (v.) make fine, from FINE (Cf. fine) (adj.) delicate. Cf. Fr. raffiner, It. raffinare, Sp. refinar. General and figurative sense is recorded from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • refine — ► VERB 1) remove impurities or unwanted elements from. 2) make minor changes so as to improve (a theory or method). DERIVATIVES refiner noun …   English terms dictionary

  • refine — 01. I need to practice a lot in order to [refine] my tennis serve. 02. She shows a lot of promise as a violinist, but she needs to [refine] her technique somewhat. 03. Police raided an illegal laboratory in a house in Seattle today where they… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • refine — refinable, adj. refiner, n. /ri fuyn /, v., refined, refining. v.t. 1. to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities: to refine metal, sugar, or petroleum. 2. to purify from what is coarse, vulgar, or debasing; make elegant or cultured …   Universalium

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