
[rıʹdju:st] a
1. 1) уменьшенный; сниженный; пониженный

reduced scale - уменьшенный масштаб

reduced pressure [vitality] - пониженное давление [-ая жизнеспособность]

reduced prices - сниженные цены

at greatly reduced prices - с большой скидкой

❝reduced from $50❞ - «прежняя цена 50 долларов» (об уценённом товаре)

reduced tariff - льготный тариф

reduced charge - воен. уменьшенный заряд

reduced crew - мор. сокращённый состав команды

2) понизившийся

reduced level of water - спавший уровень воды

2. похудевший, ослабевший (о людях)

in a very reduced state - сильно ослабевший (после болезни)

3. обедневший

in reduced circumstances - в стеснённых обстоятельствах

4. фон. редуцированный

reduced grade - редуцированная ступень

5. воен. уничтоженный
6. спец. приведённый

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reduced" в других словарях:

  • reduced — I adjective attenuated, brief, contracted, cut, decreased, deficient, depressed, diluted, diminished, inferior, less, lesser, lowered, minimal, minor, nominal, shorter, slashed, smaller, thinned associated concepts: reduced charge, reduced… …   Law dictionary

  • Reduced — Reduce Re*duce (r[ e]*d[=u]s ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reduced} ( d[=u]st ),; p. pr. & vb. n. {Reducing} ( d[=u] s[i^]ng).] [L. reducere, reductum; pref. red . re , re + ducere to lead. See {Duke}, and cf. {Redoubt}, n.] 1. To bring or lead back to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reduced — reduce re‧duce [rɪˈdjuːs ǁ rɪˈduːs] verb [transitive] to make something less or smaller in price, amount, or size: • Jobs have been cut in order to reduce costs. • Prices have been reduced by 20%. reduce something (from something) to something …   Financial and business terms

  • reduced — adjective /rɪˈdjuːst,rɪˈdust,rɪˈdjust/ a) Made smaller or less, resulting from reduction. Real bargains: these precious books are reduced at half price! b) Reduced, lowered in price; on sale, at discount price …   Wiktionary

  • reduced — /ri doohst , dyoohst /, adj. 1. that is or has been reduced. 2. Math. noting a polynomial equation in which the second highest power is missing: The cubic equation x3 4x + 4 = 0 is reduced. [1620 30; REDUCE + ED2] * * * …   Universalium

  • reduced — re·duced (re d stґ) 1. returned to the proper place or position, as a reduced fracture. 2. restored to a metallic form, as reduced iron. 3. altered by a chemical change involving a gain of electrons …   Medical dictionary

  • reduced — Synonyms and related words: abated, ablated, adulterated, attenuated, badly off, bated, belittled, best, bottom, bowed down, broken, brought down, brought low, cachectic, conquered, consumed, contracted, crushed, curtailed, cut, debased,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • reduced — /rɪ dju:st/ adjective lower ● Reduced prices have increased unit sales. ● Prices have fallen due to a reduced demand for the goods …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • reduced — adj. Reduced is used with these nouns: ↑charge, ↑circumstance, ↑demand, ↑efficiency, ↑fare, ↑fat, ↑fee, ↑flow, ↑frequency, ↑incidence, ↑level, ↑likelih …   Collocations dictionary

  • reduced — /rəˈdjust/ (say ruh dyoohst) adjective that is or has been reduced …  

  • Reduced mass — is the effective inertial mass appearing in the two body problem of Newtonian mechanics. This is a quantity with the unit of mass, which allows the two body problem to be solved as if it were a one body problem. Note however that the mass… …   Wikipedia

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