

1> красноносый; с покрасневшим носом

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rednosed" в других словарях:

  • rednosed — adjective Having a red nose. Coming back from a low level strafe four miles inside German lines, he heard the familiar crack of a whip and turned to see a rednosed Fokker biplane diving out of the clouds …   Wiktionary

  • List of fictional elephants — Fictional elephants * Airawat is a mythological elephant. Various Indian mythological stories describe Airawat as the mightiest of all elephants. Airawat is the carrier of Lord Indra, the King of Gods. * Alan, protagonist of Alan and Morris. *… …   Wikipedia

  • Christmas — Christmassy, Christmasy, adj. /kris meuhs/, n. 1. the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts. 2.… …   Universalium

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