- red power
- [͵redʹpaʋə]
власть краснокожих (лозунг индейцев, борющихся за свои права)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Red Power — Red Pow|er auch: Red Po|wer 〈[rɛ̣d paʊə(r)] f.; ; unz.〉 Unabhängigkeitsbewegung nordamerikanischer Indianer [<engl. red „rot“ + power „Macht“] * * * Red Po|w|er [ rɛd pa̮uɐ ], die; [engl. red power = rote Macht]: Bewegung nordamerikanischer… … Universal-Lexikon
Red Power — Red Pow|er [ rɛd pauə] die; <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. red power zu engl. red »rot« u. power »Kraft; Macht«> Bewegung nordamerik. Indianer, die sich gegen Überfremdung u. Bevormundung durch die weißen Amerikaner wendet u. sich für mehr… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Red Power — Red Power, a slogan used by American Indians: »As with Black Power the burgeoning Red Power movement has two components, one cultural, the other political (Manchester Guardian Weekly) … Useful english dictionary
Red Power movement — The phrase Red Power , attributed to the author Vine Deloria, Jr., commonly expressed a growing sense of pan Indian identity in the late 1960s among American Indians in the United States. The major catalyst of Red Power was the occupation of the… … Wikipedia
Alcatraz-Red Power Movement — The Alcatraz Red Power Movement was a series of collective actions related to the American Indian Movement, between November 20, 1969 and the Longest Walk in 1978, which resulted in seventy property takeovers. The goals were to secure redress for … Wikipedia
Red Ranger — o Ranger Rojo es una designación otorgada a un personaje en cada temporada de la serie de TV Power Rangers. El Red Ranger es usualmente el líder del equipo (excepto en la segunda mitad de Mighty Morphin Power Rangers desde la llegada del White… … Wikipedia Español
Red Ranger — is a designation given to one character in every season of the Power Rangers TV series. The Red Ranger is usually the leader of the team, exceptions being Rocky DeSantos, Aurico and Wesley Collins. Red Rangers also usually receive the most… … Wikipedia
Power Rangers Zeo — Format Action/Adventure Science fantasy Created by Haim Saban Shuki Levy … Wikipedia
Power ring (DC Comics) — This article is about the Green Lantern Corps weapon. For the supervillains, see Power Ring (DC Comics). Power ring The Green Lantern Corps rings. Publication information … Wikipedia
Power ring (weapon) — This article is about the Green Lantern Corps weapon. For the comic book characters, see Power Ring (character). A power ring is a weapon in the DC Universe, most notably used by the Green Lantern Corps. These rings are considered to be the most… … Wikipedia
Red-Red — Eine Flasche „Flügerl“ Wodka Red Bull (auch Wodka E, Wodka Red Power, Red Red, Ferrari, Gummibärli, Flügerl oder Wodka Bull Schlitten) ist der Name eines Alkoholmischgetränks (Cocktail), das ursprünglich in österreichischen und bayrischen Lokalen … Deutsch Wikipedia